Monday, January 10

Idle Hands, Making Plans, and Other stuff that doesn't Rhyme

This morning is another early one, thanks to the bladder. I tried to lay there in bed, bypassing any thought of actually getting up to go use the bathroom, but after what seemed like some very, very short moments, I was heading to the hall. As I "dragged my feet" I knew I was not going to be able to lay back down and get any more sleep. So began the computer perusing for the morning.

As I scrolled through FB, noting there was nothing to read from anyone that was "worthwhile", plans were being made in my mind. The Youngest has a bday coming up near the end of February, and like with all teens, is hard to find an actual present for the occasion. Most teens just want cash, or similar. I remembered the Wife had mentioned a couple months or so prior to Christmas there was a book he had read, not knowing it was second in a trilogy, but had enjoyed it, and requested the whole series. So I decided that was what Dad was going to find for the bday.

What Dad didn't realize, is how difficult that may be to accomplish. I was able to locate books two and three easily enough on Amazon. Book one, however, is eluding me. I wanted to get hardbacks, so the books would hopefully last longer, and was able to order the two that way. I also noticed, that new, paperback versions, were as expensive as the hardbacks, nearing and going over the $30 mark. I guess in this new age of ebooks, print publishing has definitely gone expensive. I searched the websites of the large, well-known book retailers. I checked some thrift book sites. I did a Google search for book sites that may have this elusive first book of the series.

I cannot find a copy. I gave up on hardback only, but cannot find ANY published copy. Now, I am sure the local library has a copy. The big book sites did have a Kindle, or Nook, version available for sale, and I have found it on many other ebook sites I am on. But that is not what I want. 

So this morning as my mind wanders as I peruse the interwebs, I decided I should take a chance and head up to Bookmans, a used book store, and see if they have a copy. If no lock there, I know of, but never been there, a used book thrift shop a short distance from home. Maybe if the "Luck of Ye with the Early Bladder Needs' holds up, I will find a copy at one of these places.

Then, since I am going to be out and about in that area, I should probably go over to another VFW that is there, and check it out. It is closer to home distance-wise than the one I am posted at. Maybe see how it is a few times, then switch posts. I'm not too fond of the one I am at now, for reasons I don't want to get into. I wouldn't be able to get my brother to switch, though, as our current one is much closer to his place.

Well, I guess you know my day plans now. Which it included more work, but not as of yet. Guess I am off to go through the blogs.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Two places you may have already checked - but just in case you haven't - there is half-price books (I think it is and also There is also a half-price bookstore on Camelback. Hope you find the book.