Monday, October 10

Monday Morning Downers

This morning has brought my crappy Monday feeling to a new low. I had a good day yesterday with some buddies (even though my team lost - again) and the Wife and I had a nice dinner out at Anzio's Italian (I had the antipasto salad and it was delish). Headed home, and again I was tired early so went to bed around 8pm. Woke up around 2am, and just could not sleep well the rest of the night. many wake-ups and roll-overs. Sweating and feeling hot (though it was a nice temp in the room). Then this morning, as I am doing my glucose and BPO readings, they are higher than I have seen them in the last six months. What? I've been taking the meds. I've been eating better/healthier. I've cut out a lot of sugars. But yeah, the numbers were a bit high today.

The Wife then informed me, as she prepared to head out the door to work, that when she went to do a load of laundry last night, the dryer decided to not work. Something about when she went to set the timer, it did not click at all, and the dryer would not turn on. It is quite older. I think the MIL bought it used several years before she passed away. So now I need to figure out what to do. I think I will end up over at a local used appliance place and see how much for a used one is. The cost for getting a tech out to look at the issue, then the fees for parts and labor are just out there - I know, I worked for an appliance repair company. And of course it is a gas dryer, so a little rarer to find. Looks like I will be tripping out either today or tomorrow.

I heard my email notification sound go off a few times last night in between my short naps, yet nothing in my email this morning regarding work. I was hoping to get out in the front yard today and see about trimming out some of the grass that has grown up into the rosebush and etc along the front of the house as it is starting to look pretty shaggy. With summer finally starting to cool off, it will be more bearable now to do it. But I admit, I just don't feel motivated to do it right this morning.

Welp, I've had my meds, and partaken of some ice cold water. I should scrounge around and see about finding something for breakfast (supposed to take some pills with food). I've a hankering for iced tea for the past several days, and it has not lessened today. I drank several glasses Saturday whilst at breakfast, and had several last night as well at dinner. Might have to go to the $1 store and see if they have any teas on sale, like AZ Tea, or Lipton in a  2-liter. But that constitutes going out in public, which I don't feel like doing right now. It'd be a couple hours til they open anyways. Maybe then I'll feel different.


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