Wednesday, December 14

Need Cheese With This Whine ....

 Yuck. I'm not a big fan of cheese by itself, unless it is like a grilleed cheese sandwich. But aside from that, I'm just in a whiny mood this afternoon. Work resumed at noon yesterday, which is a good thing. And I was busy until about 45 minutes ago. Now I am waiting for them to compile parts of the workload, so I can continue working. In the meantime, I twiddle my thumbs and wait. Only an hour until I can end the day, but sitting here doing nothing for that hour is just... a waste.

The 4th Annual Santa Run is this Saturday night. Since my buddy and started this event, it has grown a little each year. I think we had 15 guys the first year, and our token reindeer - my Oldest Son was our DD that year, as he wasn't old enough to imbibe with us. He has made every year after, and again this year I am looking forwardd to an evening of hanging out with him. This year he has a friend coming along as well. My brother is going (yee.haw.). Our numbers have swelled to 22 this year, with one more possible. Thanks goodness we have the party bus that sits 25.

I just checked in on workload again. Still nothing. Sigh. I guess I need to be the squeaky wheel and message the Lead that I need work to do.


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