Saturday, March 18

Saturday is for Shopping ... Maybe

 I'm up a bit earlier than I like to be, for a Saturday. I know I woke several times through the night, thanks to the Crack Kitty (aka Rusty) who can 'Meow" with the loudest of jungle cats. That damn cat would just not shut up last night. So here I am before 7am, the morning medicals done and pills washed down with some of the left-over sweet tea from Church's Chicken that the Wife had picked up last night. I'm out of soda, sadly, so may have to base today's agenda around acquiring some more.

Looks like I will be making a trip to the VFW today as well. I was just there last Saturday, and I try to keep my visits about every 2-3 weeks, as I do not want them to think my spectacular appearances are something they should expect on a any sort of regular schedule. However, My brother, Stuman, is planning on bringing up some jerky for me. He had mentioned something about jerky on FC around a week ago or so, and I said I always want some. I am guessing he either has some leftover, or he picked some special up for me. We are meeting up tonight. I haven't seen him in awhile, so will be nice to catch up a bit - maybe.

Yesterday was St Patrick's Day, just another drinking holiday, though I restrained myself from falling into the masses of amateurs that were filling barstools, and the roadways. That day and NYE are two of my favorites to just stay home, unless I have a guaranteed safe ride home. It is also the birthday of my younger sister (and her husband). This year she turned 40, which makes me feel my age a bit, since I am around 11-12 years older than she (she is a half-sister). I know, I know, my age is lower than some of you out there ... but still.

So maybe some shopping this morning, as I said I need to get some soda. Well, not really NEED to get, but definitely would like to have some at home. There isn't much else to really shop for today, except maybe some snack foods. May check prices on apples, or some other produce I like. Better than chips or candy. I dunno. May wait until the Wife wakes, and see what she thinks.

Edit: I did do some shopping - online. I found some replacement feet for my keyboard on Amazon. Should be fixed Wednesday.


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