Wednesday, May 10

Waitin' On Mister Sandman (Again)

 Yeah. It is another late night/early morning post. The sleeping aid pill has been taken, and now it is just sitting around waiting for it to start kicking in.

We attended the Youngest's concert tonight. It is the last one of the year for him. Previous to the concert, they did have a band banquet dinner, and awards presentation. Son had said he wasn't getting any awards he knew of, so I chose not to attend. The Wife and I both made the concert, meeting up with RM, who was able to make it. Afterwards, RM headed home (ya know those old people have to go to bed early lol) so the three of us went to Dennys for a late dinner. Of course the Youngest was hungry (again) as he is a teenager. I think the only event he has left this year, is the graduation ceremony that the band will be playing at - though not all percussionists will be needed - and he needs to find out if he is one going or not. He will finish school prior to Memorial Day.

My doctor appointment is tomorrow afternoon. Looking back over the records I kept of my BP and glucose, I have a feeling that she will increase one of the pills I take for diabetes. Will probably schedule me to get some bloodwork drawn as well, to check my cholesterol. I think it is fine, but obviously I have no way of knowing myself. I think the BP meds are fine. Got the forms for the placard ready for her as well.

Tomorrow I expect the license plates bolts I ordered to arrive. Talking about it over dinner tonight, I may just bypass using them until the new plate gets here. I'll just tape up the temporary in the back window. Even though the said it was water-proof, I just don't like the idea of it flapping on the back of the car, or the possibility of someone coming by and ripping it off. Plates will be 3-5 weeks out yet, but at least I will have the hardware to attach once it is here.

Jotted down on my notebook that I need to call about setting up an eye exam. Dunno if I mentioned about my notebooks in another post, if not, and idea for a post later on (making a note for future post). Seems anymore, if I don't write it down, I won't remember to get it done. Like I was trying to be smart this last month, and marking all the events going on with Youngest, or appointments, but when I went to bring it up in Google calendar, nothing was there. I found out tonight, I actually put it in Outlook calendar. I need to figure out which one I am going to use ... or should I just note both when ...that's more work. I'll figure something out - or not.

Welp, I think I am going to go watch some stupid videos or something until I get sleepy.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

LOL writing things down... I keep a calendar next to my desk and write down as much as I can each day; if I went to lunch with someone, have an appointment (recording mileage and charge so that I can claim on taxes), if I call someone to touch base; if they call me. Family stuff; just little reminders of what happened on that date. Comes in handy when I'm trying to remember ... and helps find things I need to know for taxes as I go through my calendar and write them all down. :-)