Wednesday, May 3

Waiting For Things To Happen

 The Oldest Son is supposed to come by this morning. Since I received the email from DOT that the issue regarding the car title has been cleared up, we have not been able to meet up to get it transferred over to my name. We had originally kind of scheduled for yesterday, but I think it was Sunday he had texted he would need to push it off until today. I haven't heard from him since, and I wonder if he will remember. I know I am not going to bother him about it, but I really would like to get it taken care of.

Things have gotten back 'into the groove' around me. I was so worn out from the weekend - not physically, but mentally - that the past couple of days, I literally had to have two naps. By mid-morning I would be so mentally tired, and by mid-afternoon I would feel that way again. Just a short nap, usually about 45 min. Thankfully, I have still been able to sleep decently at night, for now.

My Doctor appointment is in a week. I think I mentioned before, my blood pressure has been fine, but the glucose has been higher than regular. They had wanted it around 140, but lately the morning readings have been 170-190 range. I know the type of food, and when I eat are factors of this reading. I generally do the test around 6:30-7am, and if for whatever reason, I eat after 9-10pm, it will be high. Obviously if it is heavy in sugars, or breads it seems, it will be high as well. I suppose I could wait until later in the morning to test, but I like to get it done first thing, followed by the pills, before I get something to eat. The first Doctor I had when I started seeing one again, had wanted to up the Metformin to the next level, but for some reason, my insurance said it would not cover it, so here we are ... guess we will find out next week. I am sure I will have to do a lab run as well, as I am sure they will want to see where my cholesterol levels are for the 'stating" pill I take.

Welp, not much to talk about. Time to get the Youngest up for school.


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