Saturday, June 3

The Weekend is Upon US

 Saturday has arrived, and I am the only one awake at 5:30am to start enjoying it. Not that I want to up this early, just the old body decided it had enough sleep and it was time. Nothing major really planned. I know I need to get to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions (the Wife said she has one for pick-up as well). I kind of want to get over to the Discount Grocery to see what they have this week, and also the regular Fry's for some soda. So in a couple hours I may be doing some errands. The Wife mentioned last night she wants to get some more of her flowers planted. I suggested she get the Youngest out there and see about some trimming/mowing, too, but doubt that will happen.

The Wife heard from the Daughter that her and her family will be up this weekend! The Wife has been down their way a couple times since I was last able to see them. Not that my Doodad wants anything to do with her Papaw at this stage, but I do love her so and enjoy seeing her. As well as the Daughter and SIL. I had emailed him this last week finally, giving him some spec ideas I want put into a custom build PC that he has agreed to help with. I don't have all the tech and know-how, and he has done both computers they have. He knows where to shop and how to build it. I just gave him 'what I want's, and gave him a financial ceiling. Can't wait for a few months and get this new one.

Work is still flowing. Yesterday when I logged in, I had work specified for me. My TL had to leave early, and no other work had been added, so when I finished what I had been assigned, I logged for the day. Didn't hit my weekly 40, but at least I am still working. She had mentioned that come Monday there would be more for me, no problem. Yay to that.

Father's Day is coming up in a couple weeks. I guess when I go to the pharmacy, I'll see if they have cards out yet, and get one for PT. Maybe a gift card for a local restaurant, or a pre-paid Visa to go with. Would have time to mail it since I don't get out their way much. When we did the late BDay dinner with the Oldest Son. he and I were talking about whiskeys at one point. I mentioned that one day I would have to get him down to the VFW to try out the Devil's Devil by Jesse James Dupree. They have a case on order and might be in by that Sunday. So we made arrangements for he and I to meet up Father's Day for a couple hours and go down and try some. I was there the other day, and the Chairman made a call to find out when it was going to arrive for me, but had to leave a message, so not sure at this point. Good stuff that whiskey is. Made with capuscian (sp?) peppers for the cinnamon taste, gives it a nice warm bite.

Welp, I got not much to add, I suppose. For RM, while at the VFW talking to a bud named Jon, he said he was flying his brother out here from McMinnville, TN. I mentioned that you were from that area, and said '"Thar's a lotta dem Rigsbys down in that area", and he mentioned the last name, but I can't remember it, and added that the families prolly knew each other. Just one of them 'small thoughts' things....


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