Saturday, October 14

Saturday Not So Fun Day

 Let's start out with how wonderful it is to be up at 4am on  Saturday morning (not). I know I went to bed a bit early for my regular schedule (about 8:30pm) but I was feeling pretty tired. Awake at midnight'ish, yet was able to fall back asleep. I know, my sleep schedule is so very important to you....

So now am awake and not much I can do at this hour. A viking game my brother got me into will have its day-long (7a-7p) battle against others today, but I will be in and out on that. I already played this morning and am prepped as I am gonna get (I'm one of the lowest might players in my "clan").

I suppose I could double check my book lists, and see if anything new is out there. I did that not too long ago, so not sure if I should.

Might head up to the VFW today. I went last Sunday, but for some reason they were closed. Supposed to meet up with my brother, but he said he was going last night, and today is one of  his son's bdays, so not sure if he will go tonight.

Welp, I felt a stirring of the bowels. I should go take care of that...


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