Wednesday, October 11

Slow Happenings

 It has been nearly a week since I have even thought about posting something here. I have skipped posting mainly because I have nothing of interest to write about. I think I am slowly just going bat-shit crazy with not being on a project currently. My days starts out with me checking my email (throughout the day as well) to see if the Company has any new information on a project. Then it varies as to my mood but pick one of several things: play computer games, take a nap, go to the pub, stumble around the internet, sit and watch Youtube videos/shorts for hours at a time. Like I said, not much to write about.

Youngest is on fall break this week from school. Thankfully, in the next month or so, he will be done with marching season and hopefully the evening practices will end. I am not holding my breath though - since the percussion and the rest of the band have different practice schedules, the director will be making extra rehearsals I am sure - just to make us parents angry. I think I mentioned before, Youngest's girlfriend mother works at the school, and has mentioned even the admin are getting a bit angry at all the angry parents complaining about he extra rehearsals and late nights. I know I am one of them. But it is his final year, so like I tell him, just get through it.

Not that anyone cares(outside of RM of course) but I have finished 189 of my goal to read 200 books this year. I'm sure I will be over the goal and then some by the end of the year, but I am not guessing as to how much. I plan on spending today doing my 'book search' for new titles that interest me, and follow up on many of the authors I like to read to see if they have any new stuff coming out soon, or additional books if it was a series.

Welp, I guess that is all I got for now. Went to bed early last night, so am up at 3:30am because the body got enough sleep for the moment. I am sure I will be napping later on today.


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