Tuesday, July 30

Prepping for the Trip

 I rolled out of bed (almost literally) just a short time ago. With work, I usually try to rise early and get started, but today I just couldn't do it. So as I got on my computer this morning, following my regular routine, I checked messages on my phone. One was from the Review Mgr of this project for the Company. Basically, it said this level of the project was completed, and they were waiting Client approval for the next stage, at which if we were needed , they would contact us. So basically, I'm done for now. I do have the skillset to do the next couple levels, but I never know how many they will have approval to pay for by the client. Which is fine. I leave Thursday for Ohio.

Speaking of the trip, I will be doing much to get ready for it today since I don't have to work. Laundry for one. Then I need to "dig out" the luggage we will be using. Haven't used it for about eight years, so I'm sure the Wife has piled stuff up on it in storage. I did start a travel journal yesterday, yet need to finalize the flight info for our return to AZ in it. I was showing it to the Wife last night, and she was impressed, and liked the idea of us writing all the trip info down, then highlights of the trip. I mentioned now that we are almost empty nesters, we could use it for any trip we take. She seemed to like that.

Youngest is up this morning, early for him. I think I will make him dig out the luggage. Then maybe we can do lunch today later, since I ain't working.


Friday, July 26

Things Always Get Better

 Sigh. It is Friday. Since Wednesday, I have been working on a project for the Company. Originally slated to last only 1-2 weeks, and with a later start, I have no idea how long it will actually go. In a way, I don't care, as I am still taking off Thursday and Friday for the trip. If it is still going on when I get back, lucky me.

Wednesday I also went ahead and ordered a new power supply for the computer. It arrived yesterday, and after completing my work day, I installed it. Everything turned on fine! I am so happy to get the newer system up and running... that old one was just soooo slllooowwww. So I'm back to the faster system, and larger monitor (helps with all the reading I do for work).

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend. I will probably be spending some time writing up a travel journal for our trip. You know what I mean... a list of airline flight info/times, hotels and addresses, etc, so it is all in one place. I told the Wife she will be playing navigator a bit, for the parts in OH I have never been to. She will have to use Google maps to help direct me to what roads I need to turn on, and whatnot.

The Daughter sent me a couple pics of the expected baby yesterday. I guess one could make out some of the facial features, but I couldn't really tell for sure. It is yet to early to determine the sex. I brought up that Mom (the Wife) is planning to be down there around the birth time to help with things, and that I may come down as well. It would be a good time to bond more with Doodad, and help keep her entertained and out of the way so the new mom and baby can rest. Daughter liked the idea, I just won't know if possible until closer to that time.

I guess I should stop wasting time and get back to working....


Wednesday, July 24

Today is the Day

 Yesterday, late in the afternoon, the email came from the Company. Today we are having the meeting to start work on this project. Allegedly they have fixed whatever they deemed the problem was, and everything should work fine. I'm not holding my breath....

So, I'm sitting here at 8am, still waiting for this thing to start. I really could use another hour of rest (in my opinion) but it is what it is. 

Nothing else exciting going on. Next week we leave for Ohio. Still not sure how I feel about that, but hoping things work out that I will get to visit my sister and Uncle as planned.

I ordered some new shorts for the trip. They should be here Thursday. The SIL emailed me back (re: my computer) and said I had tried the things he would have tried. So it sounds like it is the power supply. I should order one today so I can replace it this weekend, though I'm leery putting out the $$ if I am not 100% sure it is the issue. SIL said he was going to check out another idea and get back to me, so maybe I will just wait.

And of course, there always has to be something that irritates me. This morning it is my keyboard. One of the support legs (on the underside) broke this morning. So for now, I have something stuffed under one edge to hold it up so I am able to type, versus the keyboard being at a flat angle. I know I have a spare leg around here somewhere, from when this happened before on another similar keyboard. I just need to find it. A quick look found nothing this morning.

With that, I'm outta here....


Tuesday, July 23

Everything Needs To Be Fixed

 I never did get started on the project yesterday. There were issues with some people getting access into the desktop, so the meeting was delayed. Then when they sent out the MS Teams meeting invites, hardly anyone could get into the meeting (myself included). They determined it was the Microsoft issue from last week, and to log off until further notice. They are supposed to contact via email once they feel the matter has been fixed. Nothing yet this morning.

But it gave me time to take a better look at my computer not starting. It definitely seems power supply related, so I looked up a replacement and cost. Around $112 for the same brand/model. I also emailed my SIL, who built the system for me, and he said I had done pretty much everything he would have done. He was going to look into an idea or two and get back to me. So I will wait on buying the replacement for now. At least I had my old system, even if it runs much slower.

I'm going back to bed. I'll check my emails in another hour or so to see if there is work today.


Monday, July 22

I'm So Freaking Angry ....

 Friday was a good day. I got an email from the Company stating there is a project starting Monday, and it is only for 1-2 weeks, but still.... I replied I was available but would need 8/1-8/2 off. Reply came back saying that would not be a problem, so over the weekend I waited for project information. The only additional info I got was there is to be a meeting at 9am (my time) for the project. 

So the weekend goes along ... Come Sunday evening, I check my emails, see I have a couple tasks to complete in the online HR for the Company. I get home, and go to the computer and it is off. I always leave mine on, just because, so I asked the Youngest if power had been out. I asked, as there was a warning sent out for extreme dust storm earlier in the evening, and it was pretty bad. He said there had been some flickers of the lights, meaning power hadn't completely gone out, but evidently enough to shut down the computer. I go to turn it on. Nothing. I check the Wife's computer, as it had turned off as well, and it powered up fine. I tried everything I could think of for my computer, changed cords, changed plug-ins, verified connections.... all to no avail. I have a dead computer, and a project to start the next day.

After a couple hours, many, many cuss words, a few fist punches into the metal desk, I gave up. Fortunately, I had my old computer handy as a back up, so I unhooked the newer one, and started switching connections. Then the new monitor I had would not work with the old system, so I had to get out my older monitor (smaller). Booting up the older computer was tense, and took forever (I'm spoiled with my newer system) but it did finally get to the desktop. I verified I had access to email, etc, that the keyboard & mouse were working... then I went to bed.

I got up early this morning to make sure I had everything done prior to the meeting, and that I have access to log-in to the remote desktop. Which I cannot. I did the password reset, and it is blocking me at this time, which basically means the Company hasn't allowed me access yet. The meeting is an hour away.

So I'm frustrated. I have a new computer system that is barely a year old that won't start. No access to the project to start today, my desk is a mess from shifting everything around last night and having to move paperwork, etc. And it is summertime in Arizona so it is freaking hot all the time. I don't have any soda at the house. Just. So. Freaking. Angry. 

Sigh. Hope your day is better than mine...


Friday, July 19

I'm Feeling It ...

 Yesterday was my good buddy's birthday, and of course, we had to meet up for a couple drinks. And a couple more. And so on. I awoke this morning around 11am and am feeling how many drinks we had.... Sad part is, it will happen again Saturday, as his girlfriend wants to throw a surprise party for him (he hates surprise parties). She has been planning it for a few weeks, and the guy that was supposed to take him elsewhere and then to the party location, decided last night he could not do it. And of course, I was asked to take care of it.

So now, how do I come with a valid plan to keep him occupied prior to , and then get him to the event? I have no idea. I am debating just telling him about it (I don't like surprise parties either). Decisions.

It is just now noon. I think I will head up to the VFW today, since I won't be able to be there tomorrow.


Monday, July 15

Still Got Nothing

 Monday morning has come around again. Nothing has changed here at my place. Another email sent off to the Company, saying I am available for the near future except the Thursday and Friday we are back in OH & IN. No idea what I will do today to keep the doldrums away. Might be time to dust off an old game I have here on the computer or something. Or maybe buy a new one.... I dunno.

With that large diatribe over, I'm outta here.


Thursday, July 11

Hasn't Killed Me Yet

 The past couple of days have been pretty lazy ones for me. Monday afternoon for about four hours, the Youngest and I helped Middle Son move things from one apartment to the next. He had a Uhaul van, as not many large things to move, and the two boys did all the heavy lifting. I carried items I could and did a couple loads in my vehicle. After that second load, I was done in. It was 116 outside, I was dehydrated, and just hurt from all the physical activity. The boys did one last load, and we all called it a day. This morning, Middle Son 'stole' Youngest to finish some small loads, and clean the apartment to turn in the keys.

Though the legs and back are not hurting nearly as much today, I still don't see myself doing much of anything. Might spend the day just lounging in bed, reading. Maybe the VFW Post, but not sure if I feel like it today.


Monday, July 8

Revenge of the Monday

 Whew! I'm tired. And there is so much yet to do today....

Saturday, Daughter, SIL and Doodad came up for the circus. We took the lightrail to downtown (it was free with my tickets) to Footprint (where the Phx Suns (NBA) play) for the circus. I was a bit disappointed. No animals. Daughter had said there was some law passed back like 2016 that they could no longer use animals. I was a bit bummed. So the Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bailey circus is now pretty much just a human show. Trapeze, balancing, jumping on see-saws and flipping each other.... even bicycles just doing little ramp flips. Rather quite boring. But Doodad loved it! For that, I am happy. I add also that it is the first circus the Wife, and SIL had been to as well.

Sunday, I went down to the VFW, and they ended up closing early because no one came in. But before they did, I got a call from a friend and we met up and had a few beers at another place. Then it was home. I was able to get in a couple hours reading at least.

And here it is Monday. The weekly email to the Company is out the proverbial door. Waiting now for the Middle Son to reach out to us. He is moving apartments today. As of last night, he told Youngest that it would later this morning before needing us, but who knows. I expect to spend around three hours helping him move. There isn't much to actually move, so won't be too long.

And with that, I think I am going to lay back down for a bit....


Thursday, July 4

Take A Little Trip

 Tuesday, the Wife sent me a text out of the blue late in the afternoon. She was feeling torn about a wedding she wanted to attend - it is for a nephew, a son of one of her brothers. Wife wants to go, but the Daughter said she was not going. The big problem is that the wedding is in Ohio, and the final date to RSVP was Tuesday. The Wife felt she could not go alone, dealing with renting a car, booking flights, and hotels.... plus she felt she would truly get lost. So I did what any husband would do, I said I would go with her, and I would take care of all the details for the trip. She should do the RSVP, and we will go from there.

The wedding is set for August 2nd, at 10am. Weird to do it on a Friday, and int he morning at that. Maybe it is the Amish-type way of things, as this family practices in a similar way. What will be nice is a day or so extra before having to be back for work on Monday, that Indianapolis is not too far away, and we plan on flying out of Indy, so will have some time to visit a small bit of family. I've contacted an Uncle, and reached out to my Sister that leaves in Frankfort. Hoping to visit both before flying out on Sunday, but will see. I need to book a hotel for a couple nights in Indy, and find a flight home yet - things to do today.

One stipulation I made to the Wife, about going on this trip, was I was not flying economy. It was going to be first class, or business. No way was I going to be crammed into a little seat for 3+ hours. So it is the first time we have flown first class. I know, it is more expensive, but I told her my comfort was important, too, and it was a vacation of sorts to do the trip. She consented.

Today is the 4th of July. A day of celebration of the USA becoming a nation, even if the date is not historically correct. Last night seemed to open the holiday for the fireworks were popping off all hours of the night. Tonight and through the weekend will be much worse.

Looking forward to a couple things this weekend. Friday, I set up plans to meet with RM for lunch at a diner we both like. I remember they had a good-sized/priced salad there I am looking forward to eating. RM should get the salmon dinner (a jest to her). I'm sure she will read this before we meet-up, and therefore our conversation will have to trend to other things. Then on Saturday, Doodad will be here for the circus! I need to double-check the light rail stops and figure out which one we will need to get off at. Still not sure about supper that evening, and if the boys can make it. I know one of the Sons is moving on Monday....

And with that, I shall end this for now.


Monday, July 1

Weekly Restart

 Monday has rolled around again, and here I am awake to bring it in at midnight. Well, I was, though I tossed around in bed for an hour, then came into the office, putzed around downloading some ebooks, and now am getting around to writing in here since nothing is making me tired enough to return to bed. Shortly, I will be sending the weekly email to the Company to inform them I am *still* available for Project work, should they only reach out to me. Maybe something will happen this week.

Little things going on, to start off the second half of the year...

- My reading list for the year. I caught up on a couple reviews of eARCs I have read recently, and I see I have read 186 books towards my 200 for the year goal. Halfway through the year and I am already at 93% of my goal. That means WAY too much idle time (not working, thanks Company).

- Yesterday I bought the tickets for the Ringling Bros circus which will be in town next weekend. They are in the 'nosebleed seats' but were cheaper that the lower ones. I did still manage to get center arena though, so we will be able to see all three stages across the floor for the shows. I'm getting a bit excited to take Doodad, and I hope she really enjoys it. There will be cotton candy bought, and maybe some souvenirs if I know myself. Depending on plans they have, we may have dinner that night as well. Be a good time to maybe get the Sons out with us all as well.

- I'm going to send off an email to RM this morning I think. I believe it is time for another quarterly 'meeting' where she and I go to lunch or breakfast and catch-up on things. I'll have to let her know what Saturdays I have things going on, and she will have to write back and let me know hers. I am pretty sure we can find a weekend soon to sit down. So check you emails, RM!

- I noticed my 'movie list' in my notebook has grown quite a bit lately. I kind of not like sitting for a couple hours to watch a movie, but yet, I like to watch movies every now and then. I guess I haven't been watching as much lately. Might be from me trying to keep up on episodes of shows I watch. Or I have been gaming more, but we know it ain't from working! Can you tell I'm a bit bitter about that right now?

Welp, I should wrap this up. Got emails to send after all, and maybe a movie, if it will help put me to sleep.
