Thursday, September 5

The Birthday Month

 September is my Birthday Month. I like to say I try to celebrate it all month long, but that is pretty hard to do. Most restaurants only give one free meal (or entree, dessert, whatever) on the exact day of your birthday, or they have a limited time coupon to use (usually a week around your birthday). And though I do drink quite often out at the pub, or Post, that just is ridiculous to try to do it every day - and expensive! Either way, that Day, is Friday. Later today (not sure what time yet) a friend from Florida is arriving herein the Valley. I have known her for many years, and this year, she flew out specifically for my birthday. So plans today will be probably meeting up with her once she is settled into a hotel. Not sure what Friday will bring, as I would like to see what kind of birthday lunch I can find (or where near me anyways), which will then end with me at the Post (with my friend). Saturday I am doing my yearly 'Come hang out with me for a drink' afternoon.

I guess the Youngest is asking about going to Tucson this weekend. It is unusual for him to kind of 'push' about going to visit, but I guess he has an ulterior motive. The Daughter recently just had part of her computer system re-built/modified, and I guess she offered up some old parts to him, that are an improvement for his system. The Wife told Youngest that I had plans this weekend as it is my birthday weekend, but talking with me last night about it, I mentioned maybe we could go down Sunday for a few hours. My requirement being we are back home by 6'ish, so I am able to have a couple more hours with my friend before she leaves Monday. Decision to follow on that one.

I have been "learning" some new things this week - or maybe, just how to utilize resources I have not used before would be the better turn of phrase. I actually started using the Google calendar feature. I have missed several Auxiliary meetings, and other such related to the VFW, because they are only on certain days of the month, and I forget. I figured out how to set them to repeat on special terms (like second Tuesday of each month) and to send me a reminder hours before the event, so I can plan to be there better. I hope it works....

Also going to be messing with Google Docs today. This year brings about he 6th Annual Santa Run my friend and I started a few years back. We had to change up some of the requirements to attend, and I need to get some sort of flyer out about it. I work so much easier from my PC than my phone or tablet, I figured I could type up the info, or even make a flyer format, and sync to the phone, and send messages to those that have gone in the past years, or are interested this year. There have been some other changes that my friend is doing as well, as far as the locations we go, and already that is getting some negative feedback. So I am starting to wonder if this is the end of the fun....

Went to bed early last night (for me) at around 9pm. Must be why I woke at 1:30am wide-awake. I really need to see if my medical provider will prescribe me some sleep aid (like Ambien) so I would be able to get a decent 8-hour sleep. This 1-4 hour nap crap with hours awake between is just brutal.

Enough of my griping already....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy early birthday
