Wednesday, June 2


 Looking back on the last post, I wish I had stayed down. I was able to get a bit more sleep. The early evening found us going out with the Oldest Son to Fuddrucker's (a burger joint). Then I decided to go out to the pub and meet up with friends for a little bit. I truly meant, a little bit. But it turned ionto a longer bot, then over at a friend's house talking through the night, then early morning at a pub that opened up, then to my brother's, then to the VFW. It was late afternoon Monday before I made it home. I am not made to do that like I was years ago. I was not heavy drinking, but just being up that long.... Well, at least maybe some good came out of it. I am a new Auxillary member at the VFW.

I logged into work yesterday, and had a message waiting for me on what project I am to be on, and what they want me to do. However, I didn't have the correct credentials to get logged in to the program. They had me try a set, but when they did not work, I was told that I was to just check back later through the day and see if they were able to find any that would work. Yeah, real classy.... So, in short, I didn't work yesterday. At one point, I did receive an email asking if I was available for a project. It goes back to the lower pay level, but at least I can work. I replied I was available, and the job noted it was to start today. No new update via email. I logged into Teams and no new news there. Thinking it may be another day of no work.

Nothing else to write about. I just got to sit here off and on through the day to see if anything comes up. Joy.


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