Thursday, March 17

Amatuer Night

 Today marks St Patrick's Day. In my ripened, old mind, I really see no reason for this holiday to be celebrated here in the US. LAst year I may have felt different, as 'why not a holiday to drink and celebrate'. I know I have done my share of holiday drinking (other holidays included) and why should this one be any different? Because of Newbs. Amatuers. Beginners. Over-glorified wanna-bes. Wusses. Punks. Dumbasses.

For the past several years, I actually do not go out for St Patrick's Day. And the few times I have gone out, have been just those kind of nights that one just shakes their head, and stays away from the weirdos. These lil punks that drink that White Claw, or other seltzers, think they can do Irish car bombs all night long? I thnk not. Pour that Jameson back like Gatorade? Hardly. Drive that vehicle in a straight line down the road? Surely you must be joking. Like I said: Amatuer Night.

Talking to a friend last night, he agreed about us not meeting up (as is our norm for Thursday) since of what today is. Another has texted me this morning, saying he was staying home tonight because of the rookies.

What a Day. So why do we celebrate today?


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