Monday, March 21

Stick *THAT* In Your .... Tire

 Welp, yesterday, later in the morning, I got to thinking I would just do a can of the fix flat and have an extra one in the car. So went to the Auto store, bought two cans, came home and hooked one up. Back when I had used a can of this years before, it would inflate the tire, as well as put in that sealant gunk, but I guess nowadays it don't do that. So I asked the Wife if we had a compressor somewhere, and she found an old one that one of the boys had had in their car. Supposedly it worked, but not all the time. I fiddled around with for several minutes trying to get anything, but nothing happened. Ended up having to go back to the auto store and get a compressor. At least I got one now for my car.

Got the tire aired up, and drove a few miles over to the pub. After a couple hours, I went out to check the tire, and it looked fine. I headed over to another pub to meet up with a friend for a bit, and while enroute, the tire pressure light came on again. After a couple beers there, I came out to a half flat tire. Again I filled it up to just over 30 psi, and drove home. The pressure light was still on, I think becaus eI just hadn't filled it up as well as I should have.

This morning I go out to check it, expecting it to be flat again, but it looked about the same as it did last night when I got home. I did make an appointment online for Discount, and will be heading up there in about an hour. Maybe they can patch/plug the tire. I can't find any puncture, so who knows. Worst scenario is I have to buy a new tire.

So I got up early to start work at the bright time of 6am (which I like) and around 1pm we finished up the project (two days early). Allegedly they stated that they would split this group into two, and assign each to a project(s) currently going on, so I expect an email at some point with the info I need for tomorrow.

Jsy so much excitement all up in the house, let me tell you.


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