Thursday, March 3

In Limbo

 Work has been a bit ... wacky this week. Tuesday, we had "finished" the workload by mid day, were told to log out, and watch our email for instructions. Some people were being transferred to another project, and others were going to remain on this one for upcoming additional work. Later, I received notice I was remaining on this project and new material would be available by 9am the next morning. There was enough work for the few of us left on this project, to get us through the day. This morning, the Company is meeting with the client in regards to additional documentation that needs to be gone through, and negotiating price/manpower/etc so I am not working until further notice. We were told this may take a day or two, at which time decisions will have been made, and we find out if we continue forward, or will be moved to another project, or are just out of luck and have to wait for the next project. Sigh. Either way, it's more down time without pay.

Had the boys all together last night for dinner out at Red Robin. It was nice to catch up a bit with the Oldest as we had not seen him since Christmas. He has been extremely busy with the promotion he received earlier this year. Though, working full-time nights, and then scheduled for 8-hour training sessions during the day tend to wear him down. He's young, so will get through it. Just doesn't allow him much time for visiting on his days off, as he catches up on sleep. Hopefully soon the training will be completed.

Not sure what I am going to do with myself today. Probably play some Warcraft, then maybe head to the VFW this afternoon. Paid the Wife's vehicle registration yesterday - geez! I knew a new vehicle would be pricey for registration, but still. I did the two year option, so it was close to $1000. My registration is due this month as well, and is only a couple hundred cheaper. I'm holding out for a minute though, as I was thinking about getting specialty plates for mine. I was thinking VFW auxiliary (the AZ VFW gets $17.50 of the $25 if chosen) but am having issues picking a name/word/phrase/funny saying to go on the plate. Limited to 6 characters (alpha/numeric), and spaces can be used, but NOT at the end or the beginning. I'll think some more today.


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