Saturday, June 25

Early Beginnings

 It's Saturday and I am awake before 6 am. Not by choice. The Middle Son came by after work, and decided to 'steal' the Youngest for a hike up a trail. I knew sleep was not going to visit me again (until later maybe, for a nap).

So I am up and bored this morning. I've gone through most of my book sites to see if anything new out there I want to get. Next I'll probably go through my blog reads. Then other social media, though that won't take long. I am already tired of hearing the complaints about the SCOTUS decision. Though, a have read a couple good opinion pieces that put it in better light as well. I'm not going to share my opinion, for that I am sure you are happy (maybe).

No major plans for the day (read:weekend).Being summer in Arizona, trying to keep hydrated is a chore. We go through a LOT of water flavor packets. I noticed my more likable ones are getting low, so a trip to the local $.99 cent store is probably in order. Might even treat myself and bring home a 2-liter of Mtn Dew, though I probably don't need the sugar (according to my glucose meter). Not sure if I mentioned that thd Doc and I agreed to a three-month long span between appointments to let the body adjust to the prescriptions. Looking at my daily recordings, I'm still just a bit high of where he wants me for both BP and glucose readings. Though the in-office A1C test they did put me below 7 (the lab results had me at 10.9 threee months prior).

Oldest Son called me late afternoon yesterday. I was surprised to hear from him, and thought how nice it was that he was caalling to chat. Turns out he needed to check out front for a package. He and his brother have their packages shipped to the house here, rather than their apartment. This was a package that had shipping delays and so he had no idea when it was coming, until he got the text saying it was delivered. It was here. I texted him back so he knew. Might send it hoime with the brother this morning. In fact I just texted him to make sure that was okay.

I guess I should move on to whatever I am going to do next....


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