Wednesday, June 1

Nothing to See Here....

 Pretty boring week so far. Still waiting to hear from the Company, if there is a project I can be assigned to. Otherwise, I feeli like I am doing nothing but twiddling the thumbs at home.

A buddy ofmine that owns one of the pubs I make appearances at, called me yesterday. Seems he had a couple workers call out, and needed some help. So I went up last night, and collected the cover charge for the band that was playing.After a couple hours of doing that, we snuck off and went to another close by place and he bought me a couple beers for helping him out. Was actually nice to get away and have some sit down time with this friend - he is usually just so busy!

The Middle Son came by this morning. OF course, he needed something (to do his laundry). We've always told the boys to come by for that when needed rather than spend the extra quarters on the apartment's machines. I am sure a load runs nearly $2.00 or more now... Either way, he started a load, then says he wanted to take the Youngest out o breakfast and talk. I was like, I'm right here and able to go to.... but I wasn't invited. Sigh. Oh well.

I guess today I will be going through some newer content in my World of Warcraft game. They spent most of yesterday doing a new patch/upgrade, and I didn't get a chance to check it out last night. Some new features, and a few small tweaks with new storyline content. I know, nothing of interest for you, unless you play.

In the meantime, I'm still alive.


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