Monday, June 20

Wish completed

 Unlike my relationship with my siblings, my children all love to get together and be around one another. Maybe it is because they are younger, and haven't had the experiences of Life that I/we have had. I don't know, but it sure makes things easier - like getting everyone together for something. Yesterday being Father's Day, I knew we were not getting together as a family, but my one wish was that at least each of the kids would call/visit me for at some point. By 11:45pm, that happened. The last of them did call me that late, which was fine, I was awake in bed playing a game on the tablet. So I went to bed happy.

In my video chat with the Daughter and SIL, we found it it may be awhile before they are able to come visit. He has a couple trips to Canada for work-related stuff, aside from the more "local" trips he has to make. So July will be very busy for him. That is a bit of a downer, but maybe we can go down a Saturday and visit. Middle Son had texted me around mid-afternoon and hoped I would have a good day. Youngest said HFD when he finally rolled out of his bedroom late afternoon. And the Oldest Son did call late that night. He wants to get together some night int he next couple weeks with me. No presents or cards, which is fine, but at least got to speak/text with each yesterday.

My Dr appointment went fine last Friday. My counts for BP and Glucose were still a "little" high than where he would like me, but after some discussion, it was decided I would stay where I am at for three months. My medication dosages were changing every 30 days, that I felt that my body wasn't being able to have enough time to work with any specific one. He thought a moment and agreed. So for now we wait and see how my counts go. I am still recording them each morning. While setting the next appointment in three months, I found out the doctor I have been seeing is leaving this group. Huh? He didn't mention it. So I am being assigned to a different doctor. They made a big deal of asking if it was okay that this new doc was a female. I told them I didn't care.

Nothing big on the agenda today. Run up to DMV and get the specialty plate assigned back to my vehicle and get it on. Then may head up tot he VFW this afternoon for a couple beers and a few chapters in my book. I've read 131/150 books this year for my goal. This morning I changed the goal to 200.


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