Wednesday, August 14

My "I Don't Like It" Post

 I'm in one of those moods this morning. Kinda been in this mood since Monday, to be honest. I just don't like anyone, or anything. Last Thursday I had my 3-month check-in with the NP, and we adjusted one of my medications. Also needed to get lab work done to check other things. So I went Friday morning to the office, as they can draw my blood there, and of course, they were having an issue about entry to the building. The electronic lock on the employees door wasn't letting anyone in, so the office wasn't open. I wasn't going to wait around... I had to fast for the blood draw, and was still 'holding' that first pee of the day for the urine sample. So I left.

Then yesterday, I remembered I still needed to get the lab work done. I got up early this morning, with the intent to get up to the office right as they open, get the blood drawn, give the urine sample, and get home to bed for another hour or so. I did make it there by 7am (opening time) but only to find out the lab tech had called out this morning, and they had no idea if there was going to be a replacement. Now the tech is associated with the lab company Sonora Quest, and they just have an in-office person for ease I am guessing. I find it easier, and more convenient than trying to set an appointment with the SQ lab places, especially if it has to be a fasting w/urine sample needed. Morning appointments are hard to get in the Valley, with so many people needing it done as well. So I waited about five minutes before the staff told me there was not going to be a replacement, and I could just go to any SQ facility. So I returned home, figuring I will try again in a couple days.

No word from the Company in regards to any project work. Sigh.

Paris and the Olympics... now there is something I really didn't like. And that is all I am going to say about that.

I might have griped before about the 'new' headset I had recently bought. Supposed to be wireless, but wouldn't work with my computer, etc, etc. Last night, I noticed the Daughter and SIL were online in chat on Discord, so thought I would jump in and say hi. Plugged int he line for the headset, and I could hear them, but they could not hear me. Weird, considering I had just used the headset a few days before with no issues. I messed around with the system settings a bit, and plugging/unplugging the cord. Somehow, I ended up getting the wireless headset to actually be wireless, and work the way it was supposed to!! So now I think I see what I did and how it needs to be set up, for future usage. Kinda happy about that.

The Doctor's office called me a bit earlier (not about the lab stuff) and left a message, as I had not heard my phone ring. Message was about an issue with a prescription. Now yesterday I had gone to the pharmacy to do a pick-up and they told me there was an insurance issue with the new adjusted medication, so I guess that was what the Dr office was calling about. I called back, and the person I talked to said they could not tell why the other person had called me. I mentioned what the pharmacy said about an insurance issue, was told they would look into it, and call me back if more info was needed. WTH? Don't know why you called me? Sigh.

Welp, I think I am going to lay down for a nap.


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