Friday, August 30

Pushing in a Friday!

 It's too dang early, but I don't have a choice. I'm awake, and though I have laid down twice tonight, neither time has led to any sleepiness, so I got back up.

But that gave me lots of time to think about things. Look some things up on the interwebs (called shopping). Debate how important my life is (or isn't, depends on the side you take and the then play devil's advocate as well).

Yeah, so exciting. Sounds like I been snorting some really good cocaine, yeah? Well, I haven't.

I mentioned I joined the VFW Riders Group. So I was looking online at a website of a leather shop here locally, that is actually near my house, at what they have to offer for leather/denim vests. Saw a couple styles I liked, and the price was lower than I expected. Thinking of going there tomorrow morning and trying a couple on for size and fit. Got to be ready when my patch comes in.

Labor Day is this coming Monday, and many have a 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, the Wife has to work Monday (like most holidays) and we won't be doing anything. Sister invited us over, but neither I, nor the Youngest felt like going, seeing as how the only family there will be Sister's, plus RM & PT. 

Usually I do my birthday get together on this weekend as well. But with Saturday still being Aug 31st, it just didn't feel right. So I moved it to the 7th. The usual 'meet at the bar, say hi, hang out' afternoon. I was nice this year, and actually invited my Sister. Though they have some sort of surprise party for her SIL, so not sure they will be there. Whatever. I wasn't invited to that party, so pbbbbbt.

Kansas State is to watch this year! They have a sophomore named Ryan Davis #52 who is slated to be one heck of a DE. He also happens to be my best friend's nephew. First game is Saturday and we will be watching!

Enough writing... gonna try sleeping again....


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