Monday, August 26

Productive Morning

 The Youngest woke me about 9:30 this morning, as I had instructed him to do last night. We had some plans of things to get done, errands mostly, and I said he could do the driving. So off it was to Dollar Tree, where I was hoping to find soda and snacks for us for the next week or so. They truly only had one 2-Liter of soda left, thankfully, in a flavor the Youngest likes (tiki punch). Did find some small packages of pizza bites for a good price so got some of them for lunches. 

From there we headed to AutoZone as he had a couple items to return from a couple weeks ago. It was one of them universal rear mirror mounts for inside the car, as his had cracked and would not stay in place. I guess it would not properly connect to where his previous mirror was, or something, so I ended up ordering the specific mirror he needed for his car make/model. It was even cheaper than the two pieces they got from the auto store.

Our next stop was the grocery (Fry's/Kroger), and we really needed to stop, as I had "to go"! OF course, whenever I go into a Fry's, I have to do the #2, and the men's room has like 6 urinals, but only one toilet - which is always in use. Sigh. We cruised through the store picking up things from the list (I was smart and did one this time) and three separate times I tried to get use of the toilet. Finally after check-out, I did one last attempt, and got it. Whew! It would have been a hard 2 1/2 miles home if I hadn't!

The Wife said she needed a prescription picked up, so we went to the pharmacy and did that, then it was off to home and putting things up. I had a nice salad for lunch, and Youngest is on his own for food.

I guess I need to get the regular Monday email off to the Company....


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