Monday, March 4

Yet Another Expected Waste of Time

 This morning I have a two week follow-up at the doctor's office, in regards to the additional blood pressure medication she had prescribed a couple weeks ago. It's to 'adjust to a higher dosage' based on my recordings. Looking at the list of daily readings, it hasn't made an impact, yet this morning's reading was the lowest. Maybe it is taking longer? Either way, after today I am refusing to see her again until May, for the 3-month follow-up. Getting so tired of going to the doctor, and the fact this newest one, she just keeps adding shit to get done, or change up my prescriptions. Not happy, but easier to stay then to start all over again with a new doctor.

Yesterday we did take Youngest out for his birthday dinner finally. It was no where fancy (Red Robin) but was still kinda expensive, considering there were six of us. Both the older Sons made it, so was nice to catch up with them a bit. The lawn got mowed and trimmed this weekend. I finished two more books. 

Regular weekly email sent off to the company this morning, and here is to hoping some project comes along soon.


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