Sunday, April 28

A Decent Weekend

 Yesterday we had the pleasure of the Daughter and family up from Tucson. She had let us know a couple days prior that they would be in town, and maybe, if their plans allowed it, that dinner could happen. Well, it did, and for once, I did not have to pay. The SIL insisted on paying this time around. That was nice, as having 6+ people to sit down for dinner at a nice restaurant can get pricey. This also gave us a chance to take birthday presents for Doodad (which she loved).

Today, Sunday, the Wife and I will be attending a 'memorial service' for a mutual friend of ours. I had met this lady many years ago in one of my first jobs, and later on we even became neighbors in an apartment community, where the Wife got to know her as well. She passed away (from Covid-like complications I believe) last year, around late August I think it was, but the two daughters have finally put together a type of service. It is being held at one of the nicer parks near here, and they mentioned there was going to be barbecue, but nothing else noted. I think the Wife and I will grab lunch before, just in case. I am sure there will be only two people we would know, the daughters, so don't expect to stay a terribly long time.

Welp, I got the urge for the 'daily' so need to get off of here....


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