Wednesday, August 7

Was It Worth Getting Out Of Bed?

 Ugh. Awake early today, thanks to some people sending text messages. Not able to get back to sleep so came into the office to let the Wife rest for a bit longer until she needs to get up and head to work.

Was supposed to have some big storm come through last night, but it didn't happen. Edit: Found the culprit - was the Middle Son, who left the package on the dryer, and forgot to put it on my desk. Some stupid <corrected text) idiot stole my amazon package, too. It was just a headset adapter, but yeah... I saw the pic of when it was delivered, and it wasn't here when I got home shortly after. What is up with people just stealing stuff? So I had to spend another $10 to order another one...

Now that I am remembering that damn porch pirate, I'm getting ticked off.


1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Are you familiar with the "Hodge Twins"?
As an old fart, I'm still uncomfortable with the "Nigger" identifier.
The twins have coined a new, easier to swallow moniker_
They are funny, and I think are a step toward healing this stupid race divisiveness.
Give them a look.