Monday, May 12

Mother's Day aftermath ... I am still alive?

See, here I go again. A year or more ago, I wrote some basic rules that I should follow in continuing the whole 'blog experience'. The Numero Uno Rule was supposedly, No posting under the influence of any alcohol. Well, I think I have broken that enough to actually call it a rule now.

Yes, it truly is about 3am as I write this, and probably will be a little bit later once I edit it for all the misspellings I know that are gonna show up. Oh well.

Saturday I spent the day with the family, and we went to the 'alternative zoo' in the Phoenix area. I mean, we have the Phoenix Zoo, who have got the million dollar sponsors, and all the rich and lively looking habitats for every odd named creature on the earth.... but we went to the zoo on the "other side of town" called the World Wildlife Zoo. Only maybe a few dollars cheaper than the Phoenix Zoo (still too much for my opinion). Needless to say, the main reason we went was for the youngest male child of mine. He is 2 years of age, and we determined this would be the best age to view the 'Masters of the Wild' and not question why they are caged up. So, he was able to see 3 White Bengal Tigers, 1 white Bengal baby, plus many regular animals you expect at the zoo. The Wife and I noted a few missing (bear of any type, elephant) but all four kids made no note of it. They were able to feed a giraffe (ya know that animal has a 1 foot long tongue? I got pics to be posted later). They also enjoyed feeding some parrots, and overall the day was well spent. I was kept out of the bar for several hours, and the DTs never hit. Always a good thing.

So the morning light brings Monday to us. I have several places to follow up with regarding employment. I also need to download the zoo pics from the camera. I have a few places to travel regarding work ... but overall, will be a slow day for the 1st day of the week. I have a movie card for $25 - maybe I will go catch a movie, but I am waiting for the Indy Jones one later this month....


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