Wednesday, December 25

Christmas day 2024

 Heck, it is here, and I'm posting early. Mainly because the Wife has the bed covered with crap she has to wrap for tomorrow (today) and I can't lay down to go to sleep. And I thought insomnia was bad...

Tomorrow, I learned tonight, we are going to the Middle Son's place to do our "celebration" and exchanges. I love that he and his partner have opened their domicile for this to happen. I'm excited to see ALL my children in one place!!!

It sucks, sorta that We have to wait until Saturday to do the same at my parents, but they were nice enough to not rush us for time, and we get that much more time with them as well.

So now I am killing time, waiting for the Wife to get done wrapping, so I can go to sleep. IF I can, cause this damn insomnia. I have had friends tell me I should look into edibles, those (for lack of better words) pot-infused gummies. I gave $20 to a girl that goes regularly, and am supposed to pick them up Friday. Yes, in AZ I can buy my own, but.... I asked her. Curious if they work well. There might me a My Chart note to the NP that I found something that actually works, so quit that 'scrip on that shit that don't work... just saying.

And with that...

Hope you ALL have a MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever you wanna call it)....


Sunday, December 22

Pre-Christmas Sunday

 Hmmmm, looks like a boring day (post).

It is the Sunday before Christmas, and all my shopping is done. I'd gone by Fry's (Kroger) and did the gift card purchases, and batteries for another gift. Would you believe it is $5.99 for 2 D-size batteries?!? I was griping out loud about that one.... But shopping for me is pretty much done. The last amazon package came in last night, and as far as I am concerned, it's down to wrapping. Which is NOT my thing....

Sigh. I am bored. Don't feel like playing games on the computer. Don't feel like reading. Don't feel like laying in bed trying to sleep - Oh wait, I do that every night anyways.

I guess that makes this a short post.


Friday, December 20

Another Day of Santa-ing

 Today is the last day of doing Santa gigs I have this year. Today's is at the Wife's work facility, covering the LTC residents Christmas lunch hour. They will be receiving gifts purchased by their 'adopted' nurses and staff. I know the Wife had a couple of residents she got gifts for, and one of the two is a smart guy. He asked for a Washington Commanders So that will be an hour or so of volunteer time I put in mid-day. Afterwards, I may head down to the Post. Tonight they are having a country band, plus a pulled pork sandwich dinner with cowboy beans, slaw and a dessert for ten bucks.

I logged into FB yesterday, and had a message about a Meta ad account payment, attached to my FB Account. Now Meta runs FB, so I'm thinking it is some new fangled stuff to get businesses to use FB. So I go to check it out, and it is something someone added to my account, with a Visa card listed for payment (not mine) with some address situated in Colorado (just City and state listed). I couldn't find any owner names, nor a way to disable, at that time. This morning, I had two messages regarding that account. I spent a good half hour trying to find a help topic to delete these accounts, finally finding the info to disable them. Hopefully that will stop it. Weird things going on FB - I may have to shut down my account.

Yesterday I did not feel well. I was supposed to run to Lowes and check about pricing for a tree the Wife wants, and also a new fridge. I felt so bad, I spent most of the day in bed though. I feel better today, and may do that instead of the Post this afternoon, but I don't know.

Still have a few last minute things to get for Christmas, but it is a one stop thing, so am pretty much done - except for wrapping. Confirmed time/date for meeting at RM's with my kids and families. Already ready for this holiday to be over....


Wednesday, December 18

Busy Day in the Looks

 It id only Wednesday, and already I feel I am going to be busy. I have the Santa gig around 630p, and at some point today, I need to type up the minutes from our VFW Riders meeting (I'm the Secretary). Which means I need to go back and read my chicken scritches from Sunday and try to remember my abbreviations, etc. Then add some new members to the email role and send out the minutes, hoping no one sends back corrections to be made.

I finally finished off the White Castle sandwiches we got on Monday. I think I won't be having a craving for them for quite awhile now. They are definitely something I prefer freshly made, as popping the cold ones in the microwave just seemed to make the feel soggier. And yes, the Wife has not been happy with my farts for the past two days, but that should clear up today (well, from the sliders anyways).

Friday is my last Santa gig, which will be at the Wife's work place. IF it is like last year, I just sit there pretty much through the LTC's lunch and gift receiving, then smile and say stuff to the residents as they leave for their rooms. Many of them that can recognize Santa do smile, and at least it helps brighten some of their holiday (I hope).

I have heard back from a couple of the kids in regards to planning Christmas at RM's house. Due to work schedules, and living in other cities, it looks like we will be planning for the 28th, if that works for RM. I will be in contact with her a bit later this morning, as I don't have my phone on me right now, and I want to verify the text msgs I have received. The Wife mentioned in our family chat, that we are still planning on our immediate family Christmas on the 25th, just waiting verification from the kids on that as well. Thankfully, with RM's offer to do dinner on a separate day, ahs eased up the time constraints my family would have on trying to do everything on one day.

With that, it is almost 5am, and I can feel those sliders wanting to leave, so need to head to the Reading Room, or Gaming room, since I usually just play games on the tablet while in there.... I know, TMI.


Monday, December 16

Need Some New Drugs

 I'm really not happy with this new drug that is supposed to "help with my insomnia". I've been on it about a month now, and it only helps maybe 1/3 of the time in sleeping. All the other times, it brings me awake after two hours of sleep, wide awake, or doesn't help at all. Add in the balance issues I am having (though minor) because a side-effect is 'clumsiness'. I may just self-medicate myself off that crap....

Saturday was the 6th annual Santa Run I participate in each year. Oldest Son was able to attend this year as well, so my evening went well. Enough made it that I was able to recover the cost of the bus (and driver tip). Sunday morning, though hung-over, I still made it to the Riders meeting at the Post. Then spent the rest of the day watching football.

This morning, Youngest drove us out to Scottsdale, as we had an appointment with the SSA (to get a replacement card for Youngest). I brought out tax forms, birth certificate and whatever else they may need to verify, and in the end, they just looked at his drivers permit, and we were out the door within five minutes. WTH did we have to do an appointment for that? Video chat his ID, and send the new card! Sigh. But, since we were already halfway across the Valley (in that direction) we went to White Castle, and I bought 2 (yes TWO) cases of sliders. One is in the fridge, and the other one is almost gone between the Youngest and I. Wife is gonna not be liking me tonight.....

Got a message this morning from the Jr Vice President of the Post, asking if I was available to be a Santa on Wednesday evening. I was like.... sure, but more info? So we finally touched base and talked. I show up and be Santa for about a half hour for an adopted unit for our post. Volunteer hours make us money! And I love to be Santa. Got the gig on Friday at the Wife's work this week too.

Okay, got nothing much else to share.


Monday, December 9

Time For a Drug Run

 I'm up a bit early today. Did the normal take the pill and in bed by around 10p, and slept until about a 530a, so not 8 hours, but a good 6 at least. I woke feeling ready to face the day, rather than groggy and tired from not sleeping well.

Today is a drug run day, meaning I need to get to Walgreens to pick up yet another prescription. I received a call about Wednesday of last week from Walgreens, it was automated of course, saying my regular prescriptions would be ready this week. Regular? I thought they all were, and I didn't have any "special" ones... I don't know. I know Friday I received a text that one of the seven prescriptions was ready, and that one I will pick up today. I need to ask about another, as I am down to only 4 pills, as to when it will be ready. Then I'm going to ask about getting them all scheduled for one day to pick them all up versus this every week through the month thing. I used to have it that way, but with new 'scripts and getting them approved by insurance, etc, it has spread them all out again.

Weekend wasn't bad. I ended up Saturday at the Post, later than my usual, but still had a good time. Was requested to karaoke the Grinch song, and it went over well. Sunday was the Wife's birthday. I spent the afternoon lazily playing games on the computer. In the evening, I took her out to Texas Roadhouse, as we had some gift cards to use. The Wife and Youngest had left to pick up his girlfriend, and I was meeting them at the restaurant, and after putting in our names, realized I forgot the gift cards at home. Well, guess that means we got to go another time to use them. Oldest Son was able to join for dinner, though the other kids could not. It was good to catch up a bit with him and things going on in his life. I did let him know Christmas options, and he will have to get back to me.

This coming Saturday is the 6th Annual Santa Run that my buddy and I started. Oldest Son is looking forward to it (he is one of the originals from the start) as we get to share some time together. I pretty much organized the whole thing this year, as my buddy had other things going on. Which means I paid for the party bus we will use for transportation. So I am hoping (and by my approximate count) we get at least 15 guys this year (I estimate about 18 from 'verbal yeses') so that will cover the cost. Anything above the cost will be driver tip, and extra shot round for the Santas. I may even pocket a small cost for the candy canes that we give out as well (I buy them each year and am never reimbursed). So, I'm a little nervous about this getting started and collecting the monies.

Guess that is all I got to share this morning....


Friday, December 6

Empty Thoughts ....

 It is Friday once again, and here I am putting off what I really should be working on to get done today. Not that it is anything major. A good friend had asked for me to make my dessert for them, and added his father and brother also wanted, so being how it is Christmas and all, I said I would. Today is the day I said I would drop them off at his house. I did get up at a decent hour, went to the store, and bought the mixings for it all, I just need to actually make it now. I'm just .... delaying, and I don't know why.

Probably headed up to the VFW this afternoon. At our meetings earlier this week, I declined to volunteer and hours for Saturdays, giving the excuse I was busy each weekend. I sorta am. This weekend is the Wife's birthday, the following is the Santa Run. Either way, trying to stay out from the Post on Saturdays for this month anyways.

Welp, I dilly-dallied enough - need to get this done.


Saturday, November 30

Going To Be A Long One

 I have been awake all night. I went to bed about 10:30p and took my new med to help get to sleep, as instructed - at bedtime. It never seemed to take effect. Since I had started taking it, it seems I was asleep in under 20 minutes. Last night, though, I tossed and turned until 11:30p, then went and watched a episode of a show, then returned to bed only to repeat again around 1:30a. I'm only supposed to take one, so not sure what to do. I guess wait and see what happens over the next few days, as to if the meds are still working or not, before I get in touch with the nurse practitioner. Hate playing around with this insomnia.... the lack of sleep is getting harder for me to handle it feels at times.

Other than the lack of sleep, and maybe no chance for a nap, the day has basically begun already. My Viking game has it's regular 12 hour clash started. I will need to be at the VFW tonight as it is my turn to sale 50/50 raffle tickets for the NYE Committee. I don't think there will be many sales, and this will probably be the last week, as it seems the committee has pretty much collected the monies for everything we have planned out.

Thanksgiving on Thursday went much better than I had been thinking it may go. I am a pessimist, so go figure. There was more food than we really needed, but that guaranteed we all ate plenty. I know leftovers were sent home with the Middle Son (of mine) and us. I think RM kept a plate of food for PT to have later. I have gotten through the potatoes, most of the giblet gravy, the deviled eggs, and a portion of the salad we brought home. Haven't touched the turkey, as I am hoping the Wife will make turkey Enchiladas this weekend (but not tonight, as I won't be home to have fresh and hot). 

My numbers were a little high this morning: 136 glucose, and the BP was 141/67 (avg 125'ish and a BP of 133/70) I figure the BP was higher since I was feeling frustrated and being awake all night.

Did a little online shopping yesterday. Well, very little. I found three books I wanted to get for my Doodad - whether her Dad reads them to her, or I will when I am there. I have another book her at my house, the collected poems and works of James Whitcomb Riley, that I hope to someday be able to get her to settle down and let me share a couple stories in it. The Bear Story has always been a favorite of mine. Plus the vernacular that was spoken back then, make the story so much better as well.

Welp, I guess I need to get back to my game, and whatever else I gotta do this morning.


Wednesday, November 27

Making Dessert Too Often

 I have got to quit letting people talk me into doing things. I had to make my dessert again today, as I was talked into signing up at the pub I go to a bit. They had no one doing desserts, and I got roped into it. They are chilling int he fridge right now, and I will take them up later this afternoon.

Tomorrow morning I will be making yet more at RM's house, for our Thanksgiving meal. Then I swear I am ain't making it again for awhile. It isn't that it is hard, or difficult, to make, it's just I get tired of doing it.

So that's my day, and how it is going to go. Tomorrow will be a somewhat lazy day, as I only have to make the dessert, and eat everything. At least two of the Boys will be there (with girlfriends).

That's all I got today....


Monday, November 25

Monday Came As No Suprise

 Last week I had gotten an email from the Company, stating there is a project slated to start last Friday. Then a follow-up email, moving the start of said project to Monday (today). I had signed in/notified them through their process that I was available, but as of this morning there is no confirmation email. So I am guessing I was not selected, or was far enough down the line of those available, that I was not chosen for this project. They did state they have "several projects starting over the next few weeks"... so we will see.

I am not doing much today. Thanksgiving food getting is pretty much done and out at RM's. I do need to get some salad tomorrow, and also set aside the powdered sugar I need to take out there as well on Thursday. I need to get in touch with RM and see about deviled eggs. I completely forgot about them when we were planning the menu. I'll text her after finishing up here I guess. I just need to know if I need to get more eggs or what.

This week will be a slow one. Nothing on my calendar except Thursday dinner, and Saturday doing the 50/50 raffle at the VFW. Next week will be busier with several committee meetings going on as it is is the start of December. I have gotten a few presents ordered and here that I am giving, but need to sit with the Wife and decide what else, who else, ideas, and how to get for any we haven't. Usually at this point, I am going to the gift card displays at the stores and getting cards. At the local grocery preferably as it adds for fuel points (the Wife gets fuel at their station often).

Welp, my numbers are good this morning for glucose and BP. And since I got that out of the way, I need to go find me some breakfast.


Saturday, November 23

Slow Saturday

 It's barely after noon, and today is going to be a slow, easy Saturday. I did take the Wife and Youngest to Golden Corral for breakfast. I realized, I cannot put down as much as I used to be able to do. In fact, I left about a 1/3 of the food on the second plate. I didn't even get a small bowl of ice cream. Afterwards we ran by the grocery for milk and eggs, then to Walgreens for my drugs. Well, one of them anyways.

No plans for the rest of the day. I have my Viking game clan battle going on, that I will be doing throughout the day. I might play some Warcraft, or end up watching a movie or some tv episodes I need to catch up on. I read for several hours yesterday, so am okay with not reading today. Some friends are going to be at the VFW tonight, and were asking if I would be up, but I think I am just going to stay home tonight.

Exciting, right?


Thursday, November 14

I Awaken and Rise....

 ... but too early for me to actually like it. This new med to help with the insomnia is doing it's job very well though. Last night I got about 7 hours sleep, and woke at 4:30a feeling rested and awake. YEs, I went to bed a little early last night (about 9p) so maybe I need to stay up later so I don't waken so early.

The Wife had Monday off work this week. Time for the yearly boob-squeeze (mammogram) which she wasn't really interested in doing. I don't think any woman does... But afterwards, she and the Youngest went out to the Discount grocery for food stuffs. I have no idea what all they got, but I got a couple bags of Dot's seasoned pretzels, and some Lay's Cuban sandwich flavored chips. I saw they got soda (for themselves) and when I asked, they weren't sure if I like Barq's root beer. Duh! While there, the Wife found some wi-fi type chargers for phones, and picked one up for herself. Her phone has gotten worn at the charging port, that it is super-sensitive about how the cord plugs in to charge it. Well, after the first night, she was impressed at how it charged on the new device. she asked me to pick up a handful more (I'm guessing for Christmas gifts). SO yesterday found the Youngest driving me out to the store. Picked up some more chips, and the Barq's was $0.69/2-liter bottle, so picked up several. Got like six of the chargers for the Wife, and a few other small things to use towards Thanksgiving dinner.

I was still sore a bit in the thighs, but with the assistance of the cart, made it through the store ok. Youngest and I then went to Red Robin, as I craved their bottomless salad. Then home where I spent the rest of the day on the computer playing games or watching shows. I had gone out Tuesday after the VFW meeting, and yesterday morning, I felt the effects. The new pill is what the NP called an alcohol inhibitor. I wasn't sure how that would affect anything, but it seems it makes me sleep more (slept in until the Son woke me around 10a) and makes me feel foggy-headed. I know it is these effects, because I really hadn't had that much to drink. So now I know. And everyone will be happy that d00d won't be drinking like he used too, unless I skip that pill at night.

Decided that I am going to wait until next Wednesday to get the materials for the rest of Thanksgiving dinner. Hope RM will have enough fridge space, as I plan to pretty much bring it all out there to make/bake/mix at her place that day. BTW RM, we have another addition: Youngest's GF. SO that brings it to eight of us total.

Welp, I did get a couple book reviews done this morning, and need to go see if there are anymore out there I want to read, plus check my glucose and stuff....


Tuesday, November 12

...And the Pain Shall Set You Free ...

 I am sure that is not a direct quote from anything. I know there are several related to it, as I 'googled' the phrase to see. Most were Bible verses regarding truth, and then there were other verses about pain, though the truth one is the closest to the wording. Not that you really care....

But I am in some pain (still). I knew after last Thursday, in going to the rodeo, I may be sore in the legs. However, Friday I wasn't hurting too bad. But after going to the NASCAR race on Sunday - hoo boy! Before we even left our seats, I already was starting to ache in the legs, and we had a long ways to go on foot. Monday, I sat in my office chair, and the only moving around I did was to go to the bathroom. My thighs and knees are just letting me know I overdid the workout. Been taking acetaminophen like it is candy every two hours... In its own way, it does feel good though. Like after a good workout. I just over went the boundary.

The Wife was kind enough on Sunday to pick up my prescription while she was out and about, so I decided to start it that night. Without naming it, this drug was originally for neuropathy, epileptics, and restless leg syndrome, but one of the strong side effects was drowsiness, so is used at times for those with insomnia. From what I read online, it sounded like I was going to have to take it 3x/day, but the order is for 1 pill at bedtime. So Sunday night I dropped one as I headed to bed. I am not sure if it was the pill, or all the exercise from the walking, or a combo thereof, but I slept good, and deep, that night, waking late in the morning. Best sleep I have had in weeks!!! So last night, I wanted to see if there would be a difference. Popped the pill, and though I didn't immediately drop off to slumberland, I did fairly quickly. Let's call it about 8 hours good sleep, and I was up about 6:45a feeling awake and rested. I recall waking a couple times int he night, but only to adjust my CPAP mask. I think this med might actually be good for the insomnia. The downside is I cannot only take 'as needed', and have to take daily regardless. Small price to pay - at least the cost of the medicine is $0 with my insurance.

So today my thighs are still letting me know they aren't happy, but not as bad as yesterday. I will be up and moving to day, as I do have a VFW Aux meeting this evening, and I want to do some errands this afternoon. In my mindset today, it feels like it things are looking up. Now if the Company would get me on a project....

Oh, and RM... it was not me up at 2am for you to worry and pray over (this time).


Sunday, November 10

A Day of Racing Around ....

 or of watching a bunch of cars going round and round at high speeds.

A bit later this morning I will be picking up the guys and headed out to Phoenix Raceway for the NASCAR race today. It will be nice, as I get a chance to catch up a bit with the Oldest Son, since I don't get to see him too often. Other than that, I'm not really thrilled about the race thing. I know there will be lots of walking, and the traffic will be atrocious after the race. I do have some friends that camp at the track, and the thought of visiting with them while we wait for traffic thin out, crossed my mind. But that would be even more walking, and probably up hill somewhat as well. Are you able to tell I don't want to walk much? I'm still somewhat sore from the walking at the concert the other night....

Friday I had gone to see the NP as scheduled. We talked about my meds and how things were feeling. Pretty much decided to wait until February to see how another three months will adjust things, plus will do another lab at that time to check numbers. Then I brought up the insomnia issues. Originally, she prescribed hydroxyzine, but I guess before calling it in, she did more research. She called me at least a couple times about some ideas she had, and finally after me telling her, that she is the professional and would know better what would go with the current medications, and medical issues I have, she decided on gabapentin. When I told the Wife, she said she hopes I didn't react to it the way she did. I guess after looking it up, it is normally used to treat neuropathy, epileptic seizures, but if you read further (and the right sources) it says sometimes used with diabetes, insomnia restless leg syndrome, and nerve pain. The side effect the Wife was talking about however, is the clumsiness (yes, really). I'm more worried about the drowsiness, as I am taking it for insomnia, but it is a pill I am going to have to take everyday versus as needed. I didn't make it up to Walgreens yesterday to pick it up and start it, so I guess I will end up doing that tomorrow, unless the Wife will do it today while I am gone. Will see how this first week goes. If I start getting major side effects, maybe I should start doing the edible weed stuff or

So up at 5a today (thanks insomnia) but at least got about 4 hours sleep, so should be able to get through today well enough. I think I may leave earlier than planned and grab me some breakfast somewhere before picking the guys up.


Friday, November 8

Been A Bit ...

 ... busy for me this past week. Well, I should correct that to 'busier than normal' for me. I believe I last posted on Tuesday, Election Day, and debated posting since - mainly because I don't want to flaunt election results (good or bad). Just what I need are trolls lurking around here to criticize anything I say. Not that I really care of their opinion, just hate dealing with them. RM has found one that has latched on to her blog a few times this week. Someone that evidently has strong anti-Republican (or just Trump) views. I read a couple of their posts, and I just wanted to punch them for talking to my Mom like that, but of course, they are afraid and only signed the comments as Anonymous. Chickenshit.

Anyways, last night was the Hondo Rodeo down at Chase Field not that you care, but where the AZ Diamondbacks play) followed by Whiskey Myers and Hank Williams Jr concert. Wife had bought them as a birthday present for me, and overall we had a pleasant evening. Took the light  rail downtown ($8 roundtrip vs $30+ for parking and traffic) and had dinner there. I hadn't been to a rodeo since I was a kid, and it was nice to see one again. I didn't know who Whiskey Myers were, but they did play one song I recognized from the radio. I know Hank is getting old, but I just was not pleased with his concert. It was many, many little things that just ... didn't make it feel like a concert. We started for the doors at 11pm, and barely beat the crowd as Jr finished up. Had some good little laughs at some of the people riding the tram both going to and from last night. We both had a pulled pork sandwich at the ball field (nev er would have thought it) and it was good!

This morning was my 3-month follow-up with the Nurse Practitioner. My A1C is down to 6.5 (yea!) and we decided to hold off on medication changes until February when I do my next labs and A1C test. If I can get that result down just a bot more, I may be able to regulate my diabetic meds a bit better. I did speak to her about my insomnia issues, and how they have been increasing in the past few months. So it was decided to prescribe me an 'as needed' prescription. I hope to pick it up late today, as the past couple weeks have pretty much worn me down with the little sleep I have gotten.

No major plans for the rest of today. May go to the Post as I usually do on a Friday, but haven't decided. Saturday I will mellow at home, because on Sunday, I scored 3 tickets to the NASCAR  Championship race here int he Valley. The Oldest Son, my best friend J, and myself are going. I'll actually say something nice about my Brother - he was the one with the tickets, and was trying to sell them for $600 for all 3 - but let me have them for $100 ea.

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and I have been planning like I never have for a holiday, or pretty much anything. RM and I texted about menu items (as it is going to be at her house) and I pretty much told her what I would bring, or purchase and cook there, etc. I think she got a bit of a 'kick' out of it, as I usually don't go that gung-ho. I think I will get out this next week to get the stuff that won't spoil prior to, and drop them off at her house. Speaking of, I need to update her on plans for how many.

Welp, I guess that sums up my next few days. Now, run along to your busy lives ...


Tuesday, November 5

Election Day 2024

 It is that time of the decade.... and I hope you all make your opinion known by voting today since this year it is a Presidential one. I'm not making any voice towards any one candidate. I know who I voted for. But you each need to get out and do this, otherwise STFU.

Just saying....


Monday, November 4

Another Monday....

 We are officially into the month of November, and thankfully, Arizona has decided to quit hitting heat records of over 100 degrees!! Actually, the past couple of weeks haven't been terrible, with daytime temps in the 90's and early mornings around 60's. Back here in my 'office', which is the least climate controlled room in this old house, it is a very nice temp this morning, soon to be chilly enough for a cup of coffee or two as I start my day.

Nothing major on the agenda for things to accomplish today. A couple meetings at the VFW tomorrow evening. The Wife and I will be attending the rodeo down at Chase Field this Thursday. This was a late birthday present from the Wife to me, as Hank Williams, Jr is in concert following the rodeo that night. Wife has the day off as well, so it will be some time spent together. Have my 3-month doctor visit on Friday. My numbers (glucose and BP) have been good (at least for/to me) though, the NP did double up on the stating pill I take for cholesterol a couple weeks ago. Probably based off the labs I had last done. I am hoping to convince her to prescribe me some sort of sleep pill for when I have my bouts of insomnia, but with this NP, who knows. I have mentioned sleep issues before, and she just seems to move on to the next topic. I guess I will need to be more direct and firm this time around. And push for a 6-month visit - I'm getting tired of going every three months, yet they won't let me go longer than six due to my chronic disease (diabetes) allegedly.

Other things I have on my list to do this week is a haircut, and buying a new pair of shoes. The past few times I, or the family, have needed shoes, we have gone to Sketchers. This last pair I bought, has lasted over 3 1/2 years! I think that is the longest I have had a pair last, considering I wear them daily. Now if they were "Sunday shoes" then yeah, they would last that long.... But this pair now is starting to tear out from the sides, and some stitching is starting to unravel. The memory foam insole has been gone for quite some time, and the inner side against the heel is just about worn through. If I remember right, this pair was like $80, so won't mind spending that much for a replacement pair, hoping they last as long as these did.

Not much else to share today, so I will finish this off.


Tuesday, October 29

What To Do With Myself?

 This morning wasn't a bad one. I awoke to the alarm at 7a, then snoozed until the second alarm at 8a. Then actually got up to get things done. I know that all sounds pretty minor to most of you (especially sleeping in until 8a) but just a couple days ago, it wasn't fun. Since I had last posted, I hadn't done much sleeping at all. Saturday morning, since I was up all the previous night, I went to the VFW as they had scheduled the District meeting that morning for both VFW and Aux. I had never been, so went. Of Course I was early, so ended up helping move chairs and tables, etc for the two separate meetings. When the meeting was done it was near noon, so I just stayed at the post, as most Saturdays I am up there by 1p anyways. I made it home late that evening, and though was almost walking dead, did manage to get about 4 hours of sleep. Sunday I was back up at the VFW for an afternoon meeting for the Riders group, and didn't make it home until late again due to watching the NFL games. Slept decent that night, since I was running on fumes anyways.

Now here we are it is Tuesday and I am trying to figure out what to do. I know I got some honey-do's that should get done around the house (though not rush jobs). I would like to get to the store and get some milk, salad and a few other things, but I don't feel that happening today. It's nearly 10a, and I feel like taking a nap already.

I did get up and run through my emails (hoping for work) and managed to write up four book reviews, so I am caught up on those. Have yet another to read to complete as well as some others I am going through at this time. I'm happy to read that RM has met her goal of books read this year!

Okay, I'm going to figure out what I am going to do and go do it I guess.


Thursday, October 24

What To Do On A Thirsty Thursday?

 I don't know why I am up so early this morning. Maybe the body decided it had enough rest for the night, and when I woke around 530a, it said enough was enough. I don't know, but here I am ....

About two weeks ago, I got notified about a project with the Company. Of course I replied as soon as I knew about it, that I was available and ready. Then I heard nothing. I took a guess and decided that they did not 1) select me for this project, or 2) they only took "X" amount of those that responded first. I am guessing more the first then the latter. Well, earlier this week, I did get an email from the Company:

"Thank you for your interest in Project # 76462 that you applied to with the Company. We have been informed that you are no longer under consideration for this review. Candidate selections are made by considering the parameters and needs of the project. The decision to not move forward with a candidate can be based on project delays and cancellations, as well as the client requirements. It does not reflect your candidacy with the Company has a whole. Please be assured that your availability has been updated for other Company projects and Company Recruiters will reach out as new projects become available."

Well, at least they are getting a nice response back to me in regards to working that project. Used to be, I would get no response at all. Sigh. Back to waiting.

Not a lot on the calendar for the next few days. Looking forward to Nov. 7th, as the Wife bought tickets for the rodeo, followed by a concert with Hank Williams Jr. It is a late birthday gift for me from her. Other than that, it is just a few meetings for the different groups at the VFW (I belong to at least three of them now, and like to attend the others, to know what is going on).

Guess that's about all I got to write about....


Saturday, October 19

A Busy Saturday

 Tomorrow (rather later today since it is after 12a) I volunteered to help out at my Alma Mater. In recent years, they have started sponsoring a HS Marching Invitational, which the HS my kids attended have performed at. But I saw a need, and offered if they could use my crippled old self, I could do a shift. Seems I got the 1:30p-5p shift watching the South Gate. Mainly to inform people to use the North Gate for entry, as this gate only allows the bands prior to their performance. Plus I'll get to hear some music. Now though, I kind of want to back out of the whole thing, but it is too late I feel, so onward I must go.

Friday night was Homecoming at the HS, but I ended up not going. For some reason, my stomach has been causing some discomfort the past couple days. I think it is because of some food I ate at my brother's on Wednesday, as Thursday I spent most of the morning sitting on the toilet. I am not blaming, but is it really a coincidence? Either way, I was home by 630p tonight, and in bed by 9pm.

Was woken at 1130p by text messages from the friend I am kinda upset with. He had texted earlier in the day, and I had responded. When asked why I never returned his calls this week, I said because I wasn't in the mood to speak to him after last Sunday. He acted all surprised that anything happened. So he is raging on me in text late at night that it isn't any of my business anyways. So, I responded. I agreed the whole issue is between his GF and the other friend's GF, so the whole subject needs to not come up amongst us anymore. I concluded with something along the lines of, I'm sorry if my being angry at something we disagree about, and need a few days to 'get over it' are cause for your discomfort. I am going back to sleep now (you woke me). I'll be at the pub on Sunday for Football.

Then I turned on the Do Not Disturb - but it was too late. I was awake and not able to get back to sleep. Sigh. He made one more comment I saw... that he doesn't understand how we are so close best friends that I would disagree over this whole issue with him. SMH. And he is generally a smart and good attorney. All I can figure is that he must have had a few tonight. Sunday is going to be interesting....

With that I am out of here. Headed back to bed to try to sleep again...


Sunday, October 13

Thank Goodness, the Weekend is Over...

 Saturday went as expected. Had enough 50/50 raffle sells to do a decent profit. Turns out my Brother won, and he said to turn it all back in to the fund, so NYE is got a nice fund going for decor, etc.

My brother also turns 50 yrs old this week. On Wednesday. There is a meeting at the VFW I am going to, and I admitted to him Saturday night, that MAYBE I would go to his house after, since I am halfway there distance-wise. But I never committed. After all, his wife (notice the lower-case) is not my favorite person. I have not made up my mind as of yet. It is my Brother, turning 50, but....sigh.

Last night added several other things to my 'calendar', and some I am not sure I will actually meet. Several older ladies from the Post want to give gifts to those they like (which I am one) and want me there that night, but I am trying to find something else to do. One gal in particular, has asked me to help to do a "theme" that night. Sigh. I'm not into this. I don't want weird gifts from old ladies, even if it makes them wonderful. 

I apathetic that way. Probably shows in my real life.

So my Team lost today, another team I beat the over/under on won me some money, and the other bet... yeah, another loss. I'm still playing on "free" money, as I only started with $100, and my balance is above that. I'm not much of a gambler, but my bets this year are not giving the wins I expected. Perils of the gamble I guess. At least it is not out of my pocket.

I asked the Wife tonight, where would she like to eat dinner. I said I wanted salad, so in my opinion it narrowed to three places: Red Robin, Olive Garden, or Seafood Harbor (Chinese buffet). I asked her and Youngest to decide. I just want unlimited salad...and wings if we go to the buffet. Wife mentioned she had propositioned Youngest, but he had not made a decision, and she felt if we were to dinner, it would be without him. (shrug) his loss.

So I need to go to dinner.


Saturday, October 12

Getting Stuff Done

 Another Saturday has come upon us, and mine is getting filled up fairly quickly. I'm up at the 'butt-crack of dawn' it feels like, though it truly was only 7am. I haven't been up this early on a Saturday in quite awhile. But, duty calls. My Vikings game I play started their battle at 7am my time, so I have gotten on to do a morning assist.

Did my first pill of the day. Waiting a few more minutes to swallow the other handful. Then wait about an hour to take the BP and glucose readings.

At 8am, Great Clips opens, and I will jump online and see about setting a time this morning to head up there to get the monthly haircut. I don't know if I had mentioned before, I went to them about 3-4 weeks ago, and they gave the best haircut out of the the last 5 barbers I had gone to. These barbers were charging $30 for a haircut - alleged specialty barbers I guess, as they did 'fades', etc. I don't need that fancy crap. Buzz the sides and back, leave enough on top to gel back, hit the neck, ears and eyebrows. Where are the old-fashioned barbers that they did all this without being told specifically. Great Clips charges $18, and if I come back with my receipt within 4 weeks, I get an additional $2 off.

Then it will be off to the Walgreens to see how many refills I have to pick-up. I never got my regular text message this month from Walgreens, letting me know my refills were ready. So I did the whole 'MyChart' thing for the doctor, and requested a refill on all prescriptions. I got a couple texts yesterday from Walgreens saying I had some ready, so not sure if I will get all 7 refills today. Probably not, meaning an additional trip Tuesday up there. Sigh seems like I have to go there every week for some refill, be it mine or the Wife's. And no, I'm not doing the mail-order prescription thing.

Pick up drugs, get haircut. Should probably eat something in there somewhere, as I know I will be hungry. Then will head to the Post as I usually do of an afternoon. This evening I am running the 50/50 raffle for the NYE committee I am on, so definitely will be there 7p-9p for that. I'm just happy I found out about a month ago that they have tea available. It has helped cut down on my alcohol so much!

Welp, guess I need to start getting things checked off my list...


Sunday, October 6

Sunday Morning Happenings

 I'm beat, and it is only 7:30am.

Yesterday, I went down to the Post, as my usual, and the Wife had plans for a work team dinner with co-workers around 4:30p-5p. Around 4, I get the call from her, her car won't start. From the description of accessories working, and the starter just making the 'clicking' noise, I am guessing the battery. It is 3 1/2 years old, and is the original one from when we bought it from the dealership - at least in my recollection. Youngest used his jump-start kit and it started right up so she could go to dinner. After dinner, she said it started right up with no issues.

This morning found me rising before 6am to take the Oldest Son to the airport. He is flying to Atlanta for "training" with his company and will be gone until Wednesday evening. His first time flying solo, and since he was like 4 years old. I got him down there a couple hours early to allow time to get through security (he was through before I made it home) and to find his gate, etc. The company is providing shuttles/drivers from airport, hotel, and the training classes so he won't have to worry about driving in a strange city, or dealing with a rental car. I've plans to pick him up on his return.

Now that I am back home, I see Autozone is now open, so I should take up the Wife's car and have them check the battery. If bad will just replace it there. If it is good, then have them test the alternator. I am hoping it is just the battery. I don't want to have to take it to a shop, pay the exorbitant costs for a new one, plus labor. Also, I would have to be available to get the Wife from/to work until her car is done. Sigh. It is what it is. I can only check one thing at a time, and hope for the best, and expect the worst. I'm such a pessimist.

That being said, I should get off here and get that done.


Friday, October 4

Another Week Passes

 Last weekend was 'all right', even though when going to Tucson, they are usually better. Wife, I , Youngest and his girlfriend made it down there with no mishaps, and overall the day went fine. Shared some birthday gifts with Daughter, and a bag full of other "things" that Wife has picked up up to take to her. Youngest had brought his computer down, and much of the afternoon was in working on it. He was getting some upgraded parts from Daughter's old system, and I guess it entailed wiping out some hard drives, and re-installing Windows 11. I don't know, but it was a process that could take several hours. So while it did it's thing, we went to dinner.

With Dad footing the bill, I figured the Daughter would want go somewhere fairly expensive, but instead she picked this place called Grumpy's. Mostly sandwiches there, but the average cost was only about $12.99 a plate. It was fairly good, too, at least the crispy chicken BLT I had was. Back at the house, the computer finished up shortly after arriving back. I wanted to be on the way home by 10pm, as the Son's GF had to work in the morning. I think we made it out the door by 10:30pm. That was the quietest ride I have had with the GF in the car. I know I shouldn't talk about her, but she is a yipper.

Sunday morning, after a couple weeks, was finally able to meet up with a friend that we like to watch our football games together. Lately our two teams Washington and Detroit) have been playing different days/times that meeting up wasn't possible. But he came up for my game, and we have tentative plans for my 10am game this Sunday.

Today is Friday, and like most I will be headed to the Post this afternoon. Tuesday held a couple meetings, one of which I am a committee member. Somehow I volunteered myself to help run the 50/50 raffle on a couple Saturdays here in the next month - I did say I wanted to get myself more involved. This week I believe we only have the regular monthly Aux meeting for me to attend, and the 50/50 on the next Saturday. Which means I need to go this week, so I know where/how to put the tickets, collected money, etc when done, and the procedure for writing out receipt for the winner.

I feel sorta like RM in this aspect - I don't want to learn new stuff, but if I am going to help out more, I gotta.

Welp, it is still fairly a decent hour this morning, but I need to get some other things done before heading to the Post.


Friday, September 27

What Have We Got This Week ...?

 It has been nearly a week since I last wrote in here. Seems like some days I feel worn down and ragged, even though there just isn't much going on in my life. I think I have mentioned before that I am trying to get more involved int he VFW Post I am at (Auxiliary). Last Sunday we had our second VFW Riders Group meeting and cleared up some basic information. Still waiting the patch approval from National offices, so no sense in going out and buying my 'cut' just yet. Also need to talk to another rider, about patch placements, and about some other issues that may not be included with the main patch - like since I am 'support', per the SOP for National and State, it has to be on my cut that I am support. But where does the patch go, since it shouldn't be on the back, I'm guessing under my name on the right side front? Little things like that. One that I am sure I will sound sort of stupid about, is how do you put the patches on? Are they iron-on, need to be sewn on, and what about the Velcro ones, how is the Velcro attached.

Against my better judgement, I also joined the New Years Eve party committee. We are in charge of the event for NYE, and the theme, food(s), drink specials - all aspects basically. There are nine of us I believe, and most of them I know fairly well, and we get along good. So it will be sort of like hanging with friends planning a party. I donated a little bit to help start our fund, and we are doing 50/50 raffles each Saturday to help raise money. Food is going to be a pot-luck, and has a sign-up sheet online for once the Post approves the flyer, and that it truly is an 'open to the public event'. Nice part, is we are observing the EST ball drop of 10:00PM, allowing everyone to not have to be out until midnight, unless they choose to.

So only two things I have joined, but am able to get to more meetings to find out what things are going on around the Post, etc. I can observe, ask questions, voice opposition if needed, but cannot vote on those meetings. In fact, Tuesday I have three such meetings going on that evening.

Saturday is the Daughter's birthday, and our plan is to head to Tucson for the day. We will also be picking up Youngest's girlfriend. It will be nice to see my Doodad again, as it feels like it has been too long. The Daughter did find out the sex of the baby that is due in late January, but I have not seen here publicly share yet, so I guess I shouldn't here yet. The plan was to have Youngest drive to/from, as it gives him more freeway driving practice, but with his girlfriend going, the Wife and I decided that may be too much distraction, so I will be driving instead. 

Tomorrow (today) is Friday, and I will be spending a good part of the afternoon down at the Post. Got a book that needs reading for a review. Plus that evening there is a raffle drawing for a gift basket. I had bought like $20 worth of tickets back in the beginning of September, and last I knew, still had the majority of ticket sales. Good chance for me to win it!

Haven't seen/heard from the two older sons, so I am guessing things are going okay for them. I did hear some upsetting news last night I believe it was, about a niece. I am sure the family don't need me sharing more about it, so I won't.

So, the Doctor's (rather Nurse Practioner's) office called me the other day. I had lab work done a couple weeks following the appointment I had back in early August. They were just now calling to see if I would schedule an appointment, just for the NP to go over the results with me. I asked if I had any appt set at this time, and they said yes, the follow-up in early November. I said it could wait until then. I haven't gone into the MyChart they use to even look at the results, but I pretty sure I know what they will basically read as. I'm sure she will want to increase the cholesterol pill. She'll moan about my liver, and I will deny getting an ultra-sound done, same with the extra cardiologist crap she wants me to do. I'd also like her to prescribe me something like Ambien to help me sleep better. Every time I bring up sleep issues, she deflects it and goes on to something about my liver or the cardiologist stuff. Might be time to find a new doctor....

Halloween is coming up soon. I don't normally dress-up for it, but last year I almost had. I had got a monk's robe, and some white face paint. Was going to shave my head, and also bought a "magic" lightbulb. Was planning on going as a bearded Fester, but the lightbulb wouldn't work. A couple weeks after the holiday, I was able to take it apart and figured out the short it had, so it works now. But I am not shaving my head... I'll just go to the Spirit of Halloween store, and see if they got something like a wooden cross I can hang around my neck and go as a Friar Tuck figure. Still not 100% I will dress up for sure.

Welp, it's after 2:30AM, and I ain't sleepy yet. Guess I need to find something to do to get that way....


Saturday, September 21

I Lived ....

 ... I ate that loaded baked potato salad the Wife had bought, even though it was past the best sold date. It tasted funny. I attribute that to the sour cream (which I don't like in raw form) but the tummy was not a happy camper through the day. Being Friday, I headed to the Post, and shortly after arriving, I had to the trip to the 'head' (I'm sure it was the potato salad) and leave a package to be sent to the President. Nice personal touch, too, if I say so myself. Over the course of the evening, he got a couple more sent as well.... or, would that be her, because I can't tell the sex of the clowns in office right now....

Anyway, I had a good eve at the Post. It was a small crowd, the Regulars, that sing every chance they can, no matter how good they sound or not. I chose to read, and finished 2-3 books tonight. No songs. No one to impress, no new songs to "try", and didn't care. Tomorrow may be a different story. It is 'steak night' where you can get a nice rib-eye, baked potato, beans, salad and a dessert for $20, and I am waiting for the Wife to see if she wants to go this week or not. What she decides, fixes most of my plans for the day.

The Brother is having a party for the 1 year old grandkid he is now 'raising'. He's one. Being still associated through the State, they get an allowance for things needed to help (diapers, bottles, formula, and all the other special stuff because he is supposed allergic to something). So I have no present. The Brother was at the Post tonight, and I admitted I was not sure if I would make it there tomorrow. It's farther than I like to drive, and his spouse's family might be there, and ....yeah. I'm trying to prevent an altercation, versus starting one. RM is planning to be there, and I guess she said she is bringing tea (another story for another time, that we will just forget about). for me. But I dunno. Drive there, home and back to the Post...lotsa miles. I'm leaving it til the morning and asking the Wife what she wants to do.

Depending on what the Wife says in the morn, I may go hunting for a gun tomorrow. I have been looking at some different ones, and asked opinions from other gun owners. I have an idea of what I want, but need to shop around and find the best deal. Then, whilst I wait the 10-day (if feasible in AZ) look into the concealed carry classes. I already know some of the 'cuts'/vest for the VFW Riders have pockets to help with that as well. I'll spend a day to get a CCW. Yes, I'm a good guy, there will be a gun safe bought for the handgun as well, for when I am home, when little ones are around. I'm not that bad....

So, I think I shared enough for this early hour, and all that caffeine from the tea is still working... but we're done. Until next time.....


Friday, September 20

I Gotta New Name

 Wednesday, the Youngest and I were going to do another highway/street trip to give him more practice driving. Trying to find purpose in these drives, I chose that we would go to White Castle (I been craving) way over on the east side of town (there's only 3 in the Valley). It's a good jaunt on the highway, then I was going to have him drive the 'streets' back home. Practice, right? Well, Middle Son came by that day, so we both agreed to put it off to the next day. Then yesterday, I woke with a really bad headache, and asked to push to Friday. That's later today, and as of now, I'm still ready.

So it was Thursday, and around 1pm my headache finally started its way of disappearing. The Youngest had plans to go to the HS football game with the girlfriend around 2-3pm, so I said I was going to head out. I went down to the VFW. I had a tablet, I had books, and they had iced tea. I spent a good part of the afternoon and evening there, then headed towards home. One of my regular spots was on the way, so I stopped. My tablet was under 50% battery power, so I didn't even take it inside to try to read.

I got a spot at the bar, ordered my usual, and was just kinda watching sports recaps and whatnot on the television. Someone stops by and says the usual, "Hi. I'm (name)." I respond in kind, "I'm Ralph. How ya doing?" Almost immediately I get this blank look, then they say they have to go over to whatever table with their friends. Weird.

A little time goes by, and someone else stops by me, ordering a drink, and make small talk, I say, "Hey, how ya doing?". They are cool, and respond back they are well. I put out my hand, saying, "I'm Ralph. And you?". The blank look again. I'm trying to figure out what the heck is going on...

At this point, someone I know actually comes in, comes down and sits next to me, and I'm thinking this is good. He and I talk for awhile, just regular guy chit-chat, and talking about sports recaps, etc. A gal come walking up next to me, to order drinks for her table, and again, I offer up a hi, how are you. I get an enthusiastic answer about the good time she is having, so I ask her name. It's Cindy (spelling I don't know). I say I'm Ralph. Again that blank look. She quickly carts the drinks back to her friends, and coming back for the final one, I asked her, "What is going wrong? You are the third person to meet me tonight, and everyone gets this blank look, then goes away". She does the whole over-the-shoulder looking thing, then tells me that there is a "saying", or "rumor", that if you bother Ralph the Reader, it can get ugly. I mention that I am probably the guy, as I know the bartenders tend to tell people to leave me alone when I reading, but I didn't have my book with me that night. Her words... her words... if you mess with Ralph the Reader, and you bother him, he will hurt you.

Sorry RM, but OMFG. Really? You interrupt my reading, I'll hurt you? I mean, if you can't have a decent convo, after interrupting my reading, yeah, I'm not going to be happy. And I will verbally blast you until you leave me alone and run to the other side of the world. But physically hurt someone? Wow.

So, if you are ever in the north side of the Valley, in my 'stomping grounds', watch out. Don't interrupt the fat guy reading at the bar.

On a side note, the Wife got me a 'loaded baked potato salad' from the grocery a couple days ago. It was marked down for clearance sale. I checked the date about 15 minutes ago, it was for 9/14 for best sale. It smelled okay, so I just ate it. Not a fan - too much sour cream for my taste. Just letting someone know in case I die tomorrow from toxins.


Monday, September 16

I Have Been Called Out ...

 Good ol' RM called me out this morning. 

As my usual morning routine (when not on a project), one of the thing sI do is read her blog. Today she mentioned I had not written in mine since last Tuesday, and she was wondering how I was. Most likely, because I was in recovery mode. Well, Mother dear, I am fine. This past week has brought all my numbers into a good range, and I am drinking less (more on that later). I just have been a bit busy to actually have content to write here.

So, around the time of the birthday shenanigans, I discovered that the VFW Post has tea as an option on their 'gun dispenser' at the canteen. I have gone there for over three years and never knew this! Well, now that I do, when there, I pass on the beer and drink tea instead. It is unsweetened, which I do not mind, but it sure has helped mu glucose numbers this past week, and even the pocketbook! I still have a  beer every now and then, as most places do not have tea as a drink option, unless it is a 'twisted tea' or some other tea with vodka from a can stuff.

I made a decision this past week as well. I decided to get more active in the goings-on at the Post. I mentioned I had already joined the VFW Riders Group. Tuesday they have a first meeting for a New Years Eve Committee to plan a party for NYE. I've volunteered to help re-do the lining int he kitchen drawers, help sort out the miscellaneous utensils scattered throughout, and assist with the cabinets as well, though I don't do ladders. I have been volunteered for Santa for the kid's Christmas (third in line, though admittedly I am the best Santa) but yet have no info if there is even going to be one. C'mon people! It's September and you are not planning this yet?!? So, yeah. Add in the miscellaneous other committee meetings that happen, that I can attend to hear what is going on, offer suggestions, but not vote, it fills up the calendar pretty quick. Good thing my friend showed me how to use Google Calendar, because it is getting well used now.

With all this going on, I still miss work. Another email sent off this morning to the Company. It may be time to seriously start looking for something else, hopefully close to home, and not requiring a dress-code (like suits, etc). I may even take smaller pay just to be able to wear shorts and not interact with the public. I don't know. Will have to look and see what is out around the area....

And with that, I am out of here.


Tuesday, September 10

Getting Older

 I am sure I have several posts with this same title, and I am sure I felt the age (whatever year it was) that I did at that particular time. This year is no different, and again, I overdid it celebrating my birthday. Friday I never did make it to any restaurant for a free bday meal. Instead I was at the Post for much of the duration of the afternoon and evening. Saturday was my regular meet n' greet, which went fairly well. I ended up at the Post again, then got a ride to another pub, before taking a Lyft back to my car then home. Sunday was Football, and I meet a friend I hadn't seen in about a year. We watched the afternoon game and caught up, then I took the Wife and Youngest to Olive Garden for dinner. I was craving salad. Youngest drove, because, well, I had had a few. Monday morning found me literally hurting. Due to not taking better care of myself over the weekend, I was a bit dehydrated, thus was getting leg/muscle cramps all day, as well as just feeling nauseous. I did not do much. This morning I am feeling a bit better. I will still take it fairly easy today though.

Not much on my plate to accomplish today. A couple meds need to be picked up. Aux meeting tonight I should attend. Might go to the store and pick up a couple things I know I would like to have, and probably Youngest would like as well.

I know, nothing exciting when in recovery mode....


Thursday, September 5

The Birthday Month

 September is my Birthday Month. I like to say I try to celebrate it all month long, but that is pretty hard to do. Most restaurants only give one free meal (or entree, dessert, whatever) on the exact day of your birthday, or they have a limited time coupon to use (usually a week around your birthday). And though I do drink quite often out at the pub, or Post, that just is ridiculous to try to do it every day - and expensive! Either way, that Day, is Friday. Later today (not sure what time yet) a friend from Florida is arriving herein the Valley. I have known her for many years, and this year, she flew out specifically for my birthday. So plans today will be probably meeting up with her once she is settled into a hotel. Not sure what Friday will bring, as I would like to see what kind of birthday lunch I can find (or where near me anyways), which will then end with me at the Post (with my friend). Saturday I am doing my yearly 'Come hang out with me for a drink' afternoon.

I guess the Youngest is asking about going to Tucson this weekend. It is unusual for him to kind of 'push' about going to visit, but I guess he has an ulterior motive. The Daughter recently just had part of her computer system re-built/modified, and I guess she offered up some old parts to him, that are an improvement for his system. The Wife told Youngest that I had plans this weekend as it is my birthday weekend, but talking with me last night about it, I mentioned maybe we could go down Sunday for a few hours. My requirement being we are back home by 6'ish, so I am able to have a couple more hours with my friend before she leaves Monday. Decision to follow on that one.

I have been "learning" some new things this week - or maybe, just how to utilize resources I have not used before would be the better turn of phrase. I actually started using the Google calendar feature. I have missed several Auxiliary meetings, and other such related to the VFW, because they are only on certain days of the month, and I forget. I figured out how to set them to repeat on special terms (like second Tuesday of each month) and to send me a reminder hours before the event, so I can plan to be there better. I hope it works....

Also going to be messing with Google Docs today. This year brings about he 6th Annual Santa Run my friend and I started a few years back. We had to change up some of the requirements to attend, and I need to get some sort of flyer out about it. I work so much easier from my PC than my phone or tablet, I figured I could type up the info, or even make a flyer format, and sync to the phone, and send messages to those that have gone in the past years, or are interested this year. There have been some other changes that my friend is doing as well, as far as the locations we go, and already that is getting some negative feedback. So I am starting to wonder if this is the end of the fun....

Went to bed early last night (for me) at around 9pm. Must be why I woke at 1:30am wide-awake. I really need to see if my medical provider will prescribe me some sleep aid (like Ambien) so I would be able to get a decent 8-hour sleep. This 1-4 hour nap crap with hours awake between is just brutal.

Enough of my griping already....


Monday, September 2

Labor Day Laziness

 Saturday was a pretty busy day. Friday night, while at the Post, I had offered to come in early Saturday morning, to help clean up from the party that had rented out the hall on Friday night. It was a mess. So I was there at 8am, dragging my feet since I hadn't made it home until near midnight the night before. But I swept, another two guys mopped (there were gummies smashed into the tile all over - had to do two runs of mopping). Then we set out tables and chairs for the next event due that morning. We were talking about going to breakfast, then back after the meeting, to re-arrange the tables/chairs for the evening rental, but it never happened. We ended up deciding to wait until after that meeting and just get it all done. By then it was afternoon, and I had to get headed out. Ran home, changed into my KSU jersey, and headed up to the pub we were meeting at to watch the game. I lasted until half-time, then decided I needed to head back to the Post, as one of my friends was celebrating his birthday that evening. He's an older vet, and doesn't have many that like him. For some reason, we get along great. Sunday was spent just lounging around the house. I didn't go anywhere. I took a nap. Cleared the bowels several times (what was up with that?).

Today has no special plans. Sister invited us to their place for a barbecue and swimming, but the Wife has to work today. I asked the Youngest if he wanted to go, but since there weren't going to be many there, he said not really, so I declined it all. I do have a couple book reviews I need to get done, and I should do that today - but don't really feel like it at this exact moment.

Sent the weekly email to the Company, though they won't see it (or do anything about it) until tomorrow at the earliest.

Welp, it's time to check my glucose and BP.


Friday, August 30

Pushing in a Friday!

 It's too dang early, but I don't have a choice. I'm awake, and though I have laid down twice tonight, neither time has led to any sleepiness, so I got back up.

But that gave me lots of time to think about things. Look some things up on the interwebs (called shopping). Debate how important my life is (or isn't, depends on the side you take and the then play devil's advocate as well).

Yeah, so exciting. Sounds like I been snorting some really good cocaine, yeah? Well, I haven't.

I mentioned I joined the VFW Riders Group. So I was looking online at a website of a leather shop here locally, that is actually near my house, at what they have to offer for leather/denim vests. Saw a couple styles I liked, and the price was lower than I expected. Thinking of going there tomorrow morning and trying a couple on for size and fit. Got to be ready when my patch comes in.

Labor Day is this coming Monday, and many have a 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, the Wife has to work Monday (like most holidays) and we won't be doing anything. Sister invited us over, but neither I, nor the Youngest felt like going, seeing as how the only family there will be Sister's, plus RM & PT. 

Usually I do my birthday get together on this weekend as well. But with Saturday still being Aug 31st, it just didn't feel right. So I moved it to the 7th. The usual 'meet at the bar, say hi, hang out' afternoon. I was nice this year, and actually invited my Sister. Though they have some sort of surprise party for her SIL, so not sure they will be there. Whatever. I wasn't invited to that party, so pbbbbbt.

Kansas State is to watch this year! They have a sophomore named Ryan Davis #52 who is slated to be one heck of a DE. He also happens to be my best friend's nephew. First game is Saturday and we will be watching!

Enough writing... gonna try sleeping again....


Monday, August 26

Productive Morning

 The Youngest woke me about 9:30 this morning, as I had instructed him to do last night. We had some plans of things to get done, errands mostly, and I said he could do the driving. So off it was to Dollar Tree, where I was hoping to find soda and snacks for us for the next week or so. They truly only had one 2-Liter of soda left, thankfully, in a flavor the Youngest likes (tiki punch). Did find some small packages of pizza bites for a good price so got some of them for lunches. 

From there we headed to AutoZone as he had a couple items to return from a couple weeks ago. It was one of them universal rear mirror mounts for inside the car, as his had cracked and would not stay in place. I guess it would not properly connect to where his previous mirror was, or something, so I ended up ordering the specific mirror he needed for his car make/model. It was even cheaper than the two pieces they got from the auto store.

Our next stop was the grocery (Fry's/Kroger), and we really needed to stop, as I had "to go"! OF course, whenever I go into a Fry's, I have to do the #2, and the men's room has like 6 urinals, but only one toilet - which is always in use. Sigh. We cruised through the store picking up things from the list (I was smart and did one this time) and three separate times I tried to get use of the toilet. Finally after check-out, I did one last attempt, and got it. Whew! It would have been a hard 2 1/2 miles home if I hadn't!

The Wife said she needed a prescription picked up, so we went to the pharmacy and did that, then it was off to home and putting things up. I had a nice salad for lunch, and Youngest is on his own for food.

I guess I need to get the regular Monday email off to the Company....


Sunday, August 25

What New With You?

 Sometimes, it is the little things that just wear a person out mentally. This past week, it has been all about getting my new prescription filled at the pharmacy. I mentioned in the last post (from last Monday) the issues, and yes, they were finally resolved this past week. Tuesday I had went in for the blood draw for my lab work, and while at the Dr's office, asked about the authorization from the insurance for the prescription. They gave me the info they received (an email) which I took a copy with me. Then off to the pharmacy, where I spoke to the pharmacist, gave him the email, explained what was going on. He said he would call the insurance. An hour or so later, he calls me, the insurance company now is saying they need me to call them, to 'finalize authorization' - note, Thursday the week prior they had said it was all taken care of. So I got the number he was given. I was tired, and took a nap. After waking, I called the insurance company, was told just two hours prior to my call (and after they spoke to the pharmacy) everything had been taken care of (again). Later that afternoon, I got the text the 'script was ready for pick up. So I have been on the new med for a couple days, and haven't seen much improvement in my glucose levels. Might be it takes a bit longer.

After that fiasco, I was pretty much done dealing with anything for the week. I know, I'm a wimp.

As of this morning, I am now officially a member of the VFW Post 1433 Sandy Coor Riders Org. Late last night I had seen a post on the VFW post site about an open meeting this morning to start a chapter at my Post, so I got up early and went. No, I don't have a motorcycle, and I don't ride at all. No plans to get one. I signed on as 'Support Staff' and as of right now, am the only support they have. Of course, this was the first meeting, and since I didn't even know about it until late last night, I am sure many others didn't know either. Next month's meeting will bring more in I am sure. But this does mean I get a patch, so now have an excuse to get a leather vest to put it on, and look like a biker dude at the meetings and events we will eventually schedule and host. Heck, I already got some tats and the biker beard.

Nothing major planned for this week. Monday will get the usual email to the Company. I think this week I will play around with Google calendar, and see if I can start putting int he dates of things going on that I seem to not remember until they right upon the time of occurrence. Then I can sync with my phone as well. Never really sued it before, so will have to "learn" it.

Welp, Need to go take care of some other things now....


Monday, August 19

My Exciting Life ....

 There has just been so much going on lately, that I don't have time to write in here anymore. Now, if you know me, that is true sarcasm. I haven't done much of anything since last Wednesday.

A couple weeks ago (around about) I had gone to see the NP. We had adjusted the new med I was taking for diabetes from a 3mg to a 7mg. When it was first prescribed three months prior to that, it took nearly a month to get it approved through the insurance and actually get the meds. It's been two weeks now, and I still don't have the higher dosage yet. Since it was turned into the pharmacy, Walgreens has been telling me there is an 'insurance issue' with it. Well, Thursday, the NP's office called to tell me that it had been "taken care of" and should go through now. I also got a call from the insurance company, telling me it had been approved at the 7mg dosage for one year, then would need to be re-approved. Friday I get the text from Walgreens that I had 3 'scripts ready for pick-up. An hour later, text from Walgreens says 2 for pick-up, insurance issue with the one.

Sigh. Saturday I stopped in at Walgreens, picked up the 2 that were ready, and was told from them that they did get the 7mg dosage in, but insurance won't cover, as the pharmacy doesn't have the authorization for the 7mg that is supposed to go from the insurance to the Dr to the pharmacy. I explained it was all taken care of last Thursday. All to no avail. The Wife says give it a couple days, maybe just getting the info from ins-dr-pharm is retardedly slow and it will be resolved on Monday. So here I sit awaiting a text saying it is ready for pick-up. If I don't get it by noon, I'll be sending off a note to the Dr's office, explaining that the pharmacy needs that auth still and would they call there and give it versus email or whatever else. If I had not filled the 3mg dosage right before my last appointment, I don't know what I would do, as I have been taking two of them daily for now. Worst case is going back tot he Metformin, which I really hate all the side effects it gave me - even with extended release.

Saturday morning started off good. Took the Wife and Youngest up to Ronnie's to have breakfast. I Could barely eat half of mine (I know, unbelievable right?) and the only one that cleaned their plate was the Youngest. Afterwards went home and 'piddled around the house' not doing much of anything until decided to go pick up the meds.

Saturday evening I got to Wife to agree to going up to the VFW for the monthly steak dinner. For $20 you get a nice sized ribeye, huge baked potato, green beans, roll, salad and a dessert. It might be the last time for awhile that we do the steak dinner. We ordered our steaks medium, and when picking them up, was told med-rare, and I corrected that they should be medium. The gal said sorry, that was what she meant. Nope, we got to eating and they were not even med-rare, but RARE. I mean, mine moo'ed when I cut it. The baked potatoes were not 'baked' all the way and were half uncooked. Salad was skimpy - I had mine gone in three bites. The whole meal was just crappy compared to the last time we had it a few months ago. I know the volunteer crew working the kitchen that night was 'new' and not the usual crew, but still.... We stayed for the Queen of Hearts draw (rolls again) and left. Wife admitted she was overstimulated with all the loudness (karaoke) and the crowd that the draw brings in on a Saturday. That and add in my Brother and Wife showed up, sitting at the table next to us - ugh. I really dislike her.

Sunday was kind of boring as well. Middle Son stopped by (to do laundry) so got to visit with him a little. The Wife took Youngest out for more drive-time and lunch, so I headed up to the pub. While out driving they decided to go to the discount grocery, and I got a text asking if I wanted ginger ale. I'm more of a cola guy, but said sure, just for carbonation and it is probably better than cola for me. At that time, I noticed my bank card was not in my phone wallet. Uh oh. I last used it Saturday night at the VFW, and remember putting it in my shirt pocket. Must still be there. I texted the Wife, asked when they were done shopping, could she check the dirty clothes for the card, and if found, bring it up to me as I had no cash on me. Once she got home, she could not find the card in the laundry basket. So she brought me up some cash so I could pay my tab, then I went home. <shaking head>. The Wife had some plastic bags of (to me junk) small things for Christmas presents sitting next to the laundry basket. The first one I looked into, there was my card. She only looked int he basket. Sigh.

At least the card was found, and I didn't have to deal with a replacement, and all the re-upping info on auto-pays. It was still early so I went back out to another pub, had a couple more beers, read a few more chapters, then headed back to Whataburger to pick up supper (I had told the Wife I would do that).

Now it is almost 10am on a Monday. Email sent to the Company that I am available for any project. No text from the pharmacy yet, so may go ahead and note to the Dr office. But first, I think I need to go read a couple more chapters in the Reading Room, if ya know what I mean ....


Wednesday, August 14

My "I Don't Like It" Post

 I'm in one of those moods this morning. Kinda been in this mood since Monday, to be honest. I just don't like anyone, or anything. Last Thursday I had my 3-month check-in with the NP, and we adjusted one of my medications. Also needed to get lab work done to check other things. So I went Friday morning to the office, as they can draw my blood there, and of course, they were having an issue about entry to the building. The electronic lock on the employees door wasn't letting anyone in, so the office wasn't open. I wasn't going to wait around... I had to fast for the blood draw, and was still 'holding' that first pee of the day for the urine sample. So I left.

Then yesterday, I remembered I still needed to get the lab work done. I got up early this morning, with the intent to get up to the office right as they open, get the blood drawn, give the urine sample, and get home to bed for another hour or so. I did make it there by 7am (opening time) but only to find out the lab tech had called out this morning, and they had no idea if there was going to be a replacement. Now the tech is associated with the lab company Sonora Quest, and they just have an in-office person for ease I am guessing. I find it easier, and more convenient than trying to set an appointment with the SQ lab places, especially if it has to be a fasting w/urine sample needed. Morning appointments are hard to get in the Valley, with so many people needing it done as well. So I waited about five minutes before the staff told me there was not going to be a replacement, and I could just go to any SQ facility. So I returned home, figuring I will try again in a couple days.

No word from the Company in regards to any project work. Sigh.

Paris and the Olympics... now there is something I really didn't like. And that is all I am going to say about that.

I might have griped before about the 'new' headset I had recently bought. Supposed to be wireless, but wouldn't work with my computer, etc, etc. Last night, I noticed the Daughter and SIL were online in chat on Discord, so thought I would jump in and say hi. Plugged int he line for the headset, and I could hear them, but they could not hear me. Weird, considering I had just used the headset a few days before with no issues. I messed around with the system settings a bit, and plugging/unplugging the cord. Somehow, I ended up getting the wireless headset to actually be wireless, and work the way it was supposed to!! So now I think I see what I did and how it needs to be set up, for future usage. Kinda happy about that.

The Doctor's office called me a bit earlier (not about the lab stuff) and left a message, as I had not heard my phone ring. Message was about an issue with a prescription. Now yesterday I had gone to the pharmacy to do a pick-up and they told me there was an insurance issue with the new adjusted medication, so I guess that was what the Dr office was calling about. I called back, and the person I talked to said they could not tell why the other person had called me. I mentioned what the pharmacy said about an insurance issue, was told they would look into it, and call me back if more info was needed. WTH? Don't know why you called me? Sigh.

Welp, I think I am going to lay down for a nap.


Friday, August 9

Three-Quarters of a Century

 I think back to my grandparents, on Dad's side, and if they had not passed these recent years, they were -near 75 years of being married. I think they made about   years before Grandma passed away. But truly, the title today is more about RM, as she turns 75 years today. As my (cheap) gift for her birthday, I was able to take her out the the Black Bear Diner (good eatin's) for breakfast, and I truly ate too much. OR I feel that way. We spent a good hour and a half just chit-chattin' about whatever. She said some possible plans of how she is spending her day, and I hope she has an enjoyable time.

I think I will head up to the Post for a bit this afternoon. Tomorrow, RM had shared that someone we had known several years ago (not seen recently) had passed away, and a celebration of Life was scheduled for the afternoon. I mentioned it to the Wife, but not sure if she is wanting to go. I don't feel like I would like to attend. It had been years and I particularly was not close the this person. Will see what the Wife wants to do, I guess. If I don't go, probably end up at the Post for my regular Saturday thing.

After today, I guess the next birthday coming up in my family (not counting nieces, etc) is my own birthday. RM had asked what I would want for my birthday, and I told her nothing. I could not think of one thing that I particularly needed/wanted off the top of my head. On the drive home from breakfast though, I realized what would be nice.... If all of my kids would get together and take me out for supper. Yeah, all four of them, spouses, girlfriends, any kids (the one granddaughter), the Wife and I. This happened a few years ago, but hasn't really happened (with everyone) but has been close, a couple times.

Welp, I suppose I have wasted enough time sitting here trying to think what else to share.


Wednesday, August 7

Was It Worth Getting Out Of Bed?

 Ugh. Awake early today, thanks to some people sending text messages. Not able to get back to sleep so came into the office to let the Wife rest for a bit longer until she needs to get up and head to work.

Was supposed to have some big storm come through last night, but it didn't happen. Edit: Found the culprit - was the Middle Son, who left the package on the dryer, and forgot to put it on my desk. Some stupid <corrected text) idiot stole my amazon package, too. It was just a headset adapter, but yeah... I saw the pic of when it was delivered, and it wasn't here when I got home shortly after. What is up with people just stealing stuff? So I had to spend another $10 to order another one...

Now that I am remembering that damn porch pirate, I'm getting ticked off.


Tuesday, August 6

Home and Mostly Recovered

 The Wife and I made it home Sunday from our 4-day trip to Ohio and Indiana. The plane was only delayed an hour out of Indianapolis, so I think it was like 3:15 when we landed here in Phoenix. Not terrible. There was only one snafu to our trip, but I got it solved in about 15 minutes. That was regarding our rental car in Cincinnati.

I had a journal along with us, that I had written out the detailed plans of our trip, the addresses of places we needed to go (hotels, church for the wedding, etc) so that I wouldn't have to look up individual information on each place while trying to drive. I also wrote quite a bit in the journal about our trip. I am debating going to a written journal, but like RM says, I don't know if I would want others reading my personal thoughts of what I write down, after I am dead. Not that this particular time I had written any of those... just if I were to in the future. Normally I don't care what anyone thinks about what I say/think....

Okay, some things about the trip.... I'm not going to just blindly reserve a hotel without checking it out more. Travelodge by Wyndham in Gallipolis was a crap-hole. We arrived like 9pm, and during check-in they mentioned they had no rooms available on the first floor. They also had no elevator. So it was fun climbing the stairs, with luggage, using a cane. Then our room, sigh. On 'my side' of the bed, there were no outlets at all. So I could not plug in my CPAP. I tried to sleep without it, but after three hours, I gave up, placed my head at the foot of the bed, and stretched out the CPAP and cord from the opposite wall, just so I could sleep. "Continental breakfast"? Hmph. A waffle-maker, a toaster, choice of two cold cereals, pre-packaged danish and small muffins, cran or Orange juice. That was it. I had cereal and a danish. And back to the room.... there were signs of repair all over the place, and not complete. Was very tacky.

The wedding was ...different. It was a Mennonite wedding, which I have never been to one. Several small sermons, before we got to the bride and groom. No exchange of rings, no clapping at all, no cheering. We were dismissed by 'importance' (people in the ceremony, family, friends, etc). The reception was pretty much the same. Speakers throughout, and no clapping, cheering, applause. Food was good! Had chicken fajitas and toppings, plus some appetizers. The Wife's family were happy we were there, as none of the other siblings had come.

Then we were off to Indy. Drove through some pretty heavy rains on the way - enough to make even me slow down to about 30 mph on the freeway. Made the hotel (Travelodge by Wyndham Speedway) around 5:30, and it was a palace compared to the one the night before. They had no King-bed that I had reserved, but gave us 2-Queen beds, and I insisted it be on the first floor. Was placed very near the door to Parking, and even the pool was right out the door from us (pool was indoor). Met up with the Uncle, Aunt and Cousin and had dinner out at Dennys. Then Uncle and I went out for a few beers (our tradition). 

Saturday we went to Frankfort (Home of the Hotdogs!) and visited Sis and her family. Took them to lunch at Applebee's, then headed back to Indy. There was talk of meeting up with another Aunt and Uncle, but She got all snippy and didn't join us for dinner. RM had mentioned to this Aunt that I was going to be back there, and that is my fault. Should have told RM to not tell anyone my plans. I'll talk to her about that Friday....

Sunday was just taking it easy, getting the rental to the airport and to our gate. Flight was only an hour late. Did a Lyft home from the airport.

There were many other things I wrote about, from our trip, but don't think I will share them here.

Got a Dr appointment this Thursday, and probably a blood draw Friday morning before I meet RM for breakfast. She is turning 75 on Friday. Breakfast is my gift to her, as I have no other idea of what to get her except like a card for Joann Fabric or Amazon. Saturday may be going to a Celebration of Life, if the Wife wants to go, for a person we were friends with many years ago at the church.

The Middle Son has a birthday this week as well, on Wednesday. I don't think we have any plans for anything since he will have to work that night. Maybe I should see about finding something as a gift, but I don't know.

And I am done with blog today....


Tuesday, July 30

Prepping for the Trip

 I rolled out of bed (almost literally) just a short time ago. With work, I usually try to rise early and get started, but today I just couldn't do it. So as I got on my computer this morning, following my regular routine, I checked messages on my phone. One was from the Review Mgr of this project for the Company. Basically, it said this level of the project was completed, and they were waiting Client approval for the next stage, at which if we were needed , they would contact us. So basically, I'm done for now. I do have the skillset to do the next couple levels, but I never know how many they will have approval to pay for by the client. Which is fine. I leave Thursday for Ohio.

Speaking of the trip, I will be doing much to get ready for it today since I don't have to work. Laundry for one. Then I need to "dig out" the luggage we will be using. Haven't used it for about eight years, so I'm sure the Wife has piled stuff up on it in storage. I did start a travel journal yesterday, yet need to finalize the flight info for our return to AZ in it. I was showing it to the Wife last night, and she was impressed, and liked the idea of us writing all the trip info down, then highlights of the trip. I mentioned now that we are almost empty nesters, we could use it for any trip we take. She seemed to like that.

Youngest is up this morning, early for him. I think I will make him dig out the luggage. Then maybe we can do lunch today later, since I ain't working.


Friday, July 26

Things Always Get Better

 Sigh. It is Friday. Since Wednesday, I have been working on a project for the Company. Originally slated to last only 1-2 weeks, and with a later start, I have no idea how long it will actually go. In a way, I don't care, as I am still taking off Thursday and Friday for the trip. If it is still going on when I get back, lucky me.

Wednesday I also went ahead and ordered a new power supply for the computer. It arrived yesterday, and after completing my work day, I installed it. Everything turned on fine! I am so happy to get the newer system up and running... that old one was just soooo slllooowwww. So I'm back to the faster system, and larger monitor (helps with all the reading I do for work).

Nothing exciting planned for the weekend. I will probably be spending some time writing up a travel journal for our trip. You know what I mean... a list of airline flight info/times, hotels and addresses, etc, so it is all in one place. I told the Wife she will be playing navigator a bit, for the parts in OH I have never been to. She will have to use Google maps to help direct me to what roads I need to turn on, and whatnot.

The Daughter sent me a couple pics of the expected baby yesterday. I guess one could make out some of the facial features, but I couldn't really tell for sure. It is yet to early to determine the sex. I brought up that Mom (the Wife) is planning to be down there around the birth time to help with things, and that I may come down as well. It would be a good time to bond more with Doodad, and help keep her entertained and out of the way so the new mom and baby can rest. Daughter liked the idea, I just won't know if possible until closer to that time.

I guess I should stop wasting time and get back to working....


Wednesday, July 24

Today is the Day

 Yesterday, late in the afternoon, the email came from the Company. Today we are having the meeting to start work on this project. Allegedly they have fixed whatever they deemed the problem was, and everything should work fine. I'm not holding my breath....

So, I'm sitting here at 8am, still waiting for this thing to start. I really could use another hour of rest (in my opinion) but it is what it is. 

Nothing else exciting going on. Next week we leave for Ohio. Still not sure how I feel about that, but hoping things work out that I will get to visit my sister and Uncle as planned.

I ordered some new shorts for the trip. They should be here Thursday. The SIL emailed me back (re: my computer) and said I had tried the things he would have tried. So it sounds like it is the power supply. I should order one today so I can replace it this weekend, though I'm leery putting out the $$ if I am not 100% sure it is the issue. SIL said he was going to check out another idea and get back to me, so maybe I will just wait.

And of course, there always has to be something that irritates me. This morning it is my keyboard. One of the support legs (on the underside) broke this morning. So for now, I have something stuffed under one edge to hold it up so I am able to type, versus the keyboard being at a flat angle. I know I have a spare leg around here somewhere, from when this happened before on another similar keyboard. I just need to find it. A quick look found nothing this morning.

With that, I'm outta here....


Tuesday, July 23

Everything Needs To Be Fixed

 I never did get started on the project yesterday. There were issues with some people getting access into the desktop, so the meeting was delayed. Then when they sent out the MS Teams meeting invites, hardly anyone could get into the meeting (myself included). They determined it was the Microsoft issue from last week, and to log off until further notice. They are supposed to contact via email once they feel the matter has been fixed. Nothing yet this morning.

But it gave me time to take a better look at my computer not starting. It definitely seems power supply related, so I looked up a replacement and cost. Around $112 for the same brand/model. I also emailed my SIL, who built the system for me, and he said I had done pretty much everything he would have done. He was going to look into an idea or two and get back to me. So I will wait on buying the replacement for now. At least I had my old system, even if it runs much slower.

I'm going back to bed. I'll check my emails in another hour or so to see if there is work today.


Monday, July 22

I'm So Freaking Angry ....

 Friday was a good day. I got an email from the Company stating there is a project starting Monday, and it is only for 1-2 weeks, but still.... I replied I was available but would need 8/1-8/2 off. Reply came back saying that would not be a problem, so over the weekend I waited for project information. The only additional info I got was there is to be a meeting at 9am (my time) for the project. 

So the weekend goes along ... Come Sunday evening, I check my emails, see I have a couple tasks to complete in the online HR for the Company. I get home, and go to the computer and it is off. I always leave mine on, just because, so I asked the Youngest if power had been out. I asked, as there was a warning sent out for extreme dust storm earlier in the evening, and it was pretty bad. He said there had been some flickers of the lights, meaning power hadn't completely gone out, but evidently enough to shut down the computer. I go to turn it on. Nothing. I check the Wife's computer, as it had turned off as well, and it powered up fine. I tried everything I could think of for my computer, changed cords, changed plug-ins, verified connections.... all to no avail. I have a dead computer, and a project to start the next day.

After a couple hours, many, many cuss words, a few fist punches into the metal desk, I gave up. Fortunately, I had my old computer handy as a back up, so I unhooked the newer one, and started switching connections. Then the new monitor I had would not work with the old system, so I had to get out my older monitor (smaller). Booting up the older computer was tense, and took forever (I'm spoiled with my newer system) but it did finally get to the desktop. I verified I had access to email, etc, that the keyboard & mouse were working... then I went to bed.

I got up early this morning to make sure I had everything done prior to the meeting, and that I have access to log-in to the remote desktop. Which I cannot. I did the password reset, and it is blocking me at this time, which basically means the Company hasn't allowed me access yet. The meeting is an hour away.

So I'm frustrated. I have a new computer system that is barely a year old that won't start. No access to the project to start today, my desk is a mess from shifting everything around last night and having to move paperwork, etc. And it is summertime in Arizona so it is freaking hot all the time. I don't have any soda at the house. Just. So. Freaking. Angry. 

Sigh. Hope your day is better than mine...


Friday, July 19

I'm Feeling It ...

 Yesterday was my good buddy's birthday, and of course, we had to meet up for a couple drinks. And a couple more. And so on. I awoke this morning around 11am and am feeling how many drinks we had.... Sad part is, it will happen again Saturday, as his girlfriend wants to throw a surprise party for him (he hates surprise parties). She has been planning it for a few weeks, and the guy that was supposed to take him elsewhere and then to the party location, decided last night he could not do it. And of course, I was asked to take care of it.

So now, how do I come with a valid plan to keep him occupied prior to , and then get him to the event? I have no idea. I am debating just telling him about it (I don't like surprise parties either). Decisions.

It is just now noon. I think I will head up to the VFW today, since I won't be able to be there tomorrow.


Monday, July 15

Still Got Nothing

 Monday morning has come around again. Nothing has changed here at my place. Another email sent off to the Company, saying I am available for the near future except the Thursday and Friday we are back in OH & IN. No idea what I will do today to keep the doldrums away. Might be time to dust off an old game I have here on the computer or something. Or maybe buy a new one.... I dunno.

With that large diatribe over, I'm outta here.


Thursday, July 11

Hasn't Killed Me Yet

 The past couple of days have been pretty lazy ones for me. Monday afternoon for about four hours, the Youngest and I helped Middle Son move things from one apartment to the next. He had a Uhaul van, as not many large things to move, and the two boys did all the heavy lifting. I carried items I could and did a couple loads in my vehicle. After that second load, I was done in. It was 116 outside, I was dehydrated, and just hurt from all the physical activity. The boys did one last load, and we all called it a day. This morning, Middle Son 'stole' Youngest to finish some small loads, and clean the apartment to turn in the keys.

Though the legs and back are not hurting nearly as much today, I still don't see myself doing much of anything. Might spend the day just lounging in bed, reading. Maybe the VFW Post, but not sure if I feel like it today.
