Wednesday, March 6

Middle of the Week

 What a boring day. I am sure a large part of the American workforce feels the same as I do, that you drag in on Mondays, and by Wednesday, you are pretty much done with feeling anything for the job and just praying for the Friday to appear. Bonus if it is a payday, though so many of us now have direct deposit versus an actual check to collect. Goodness! Those lines at the banks on Fridays.. in a town like Phoenix, were atrocious!! Not that I am working yet, as I am still waiting to hear from the Company, and a few other leads I have put out this last week.

Earlier tonight (when it was Tuesday) I enjoyed the Youngest's concert for the "spring". He played in one of the two Jazz ensembles, the percussion group, and the concert band. Of course, he was the best (I don't care if I am biased). Even RM made it tonight, which was nice to see her as always. She even brought her favorite child some leftovers she had made (the favorite being me). Don't let her fool you that "she has no favorites" because myself, and my children, know the truth.

It's already almost 4am, and I don't expect to be sleeping much tonight. I left the concert, and went home to take care of some stuff. That being one of my uncles, from Dad's side of the family, had asked if anyone had photos of my Dad around his senior year of high school. I had dug out the photo albums my grandparents had put together for me many years ago, and found a couple photos. Tonight my uncle and I "hooked up" message-wise, and I scanned and sent to him. I also included a nice letter to him and my aunt, about how I was sorry that we had not kept in touch better, that I was open to trying to do better with email, now that we had exchanged that way of contacting. Of course I included my phone number as well. I'm hoping that they are as open to it as I am, and that also both parties are able to share every now and then. They truly are people that are important in  my life, and I don't want to lose contact with them, regardless of the years and miles between. Definitely a work to stay on top of....

So, never said what happened after the medical appointment on Monday. BP came out good in the office. I've lost 12 pounds in two weeks. No changes to the current dosages in meds - will wait to see what my daily recordings look like in May. And, though on my own, and nothing to do with the doctors, my anus is getting better. Been dealing with flaring hemorrhoids (auto-spelling correctly spelled that) since the colonoscopy back in mid-January. I still have some flares, where sitting is uncomfortable, but with all the methods I am using to curtail it all, things are finally getting better. Don't care what you think, as long as I can sit longer than an hour...I'm happy!

Well, I don't know how RM can fill up pages of scrolling daily on her blog - maybe she just has more to share than I. This is all I got right now.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

You made me smile.