Friday, August 30

Pushing in a Friday!

 It's too dang early, but I don't have a choice. I'm awake, and though I have laid down twice tonight, neither time has led to any sleepiness, so I got back up.

But that gave me lots of time to think about things. Look some things up on the interwebs (called shopping). Debate how important my life is (or isn't, depends on the side you take and the then play devil's advocate as well).

Yeah, so exciting. Sounds like I been snorting some really good cocaine, yeah? Well, I haven't.

I mentioned I joined the VFW Riders Group. So I was looking online at a website of a leather shop here locally, that is actually near my house, at what they have to offer for leather/denim vests. Saw a couple styles I liked, and the price was lower than I expected. Thinking of going there tomorrow morning and trying a couple on for size and fit. Got to be ready when my patch comes in.

Labor Day is this coming Monday, and many have a 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, the Wife has to work Monday (like most holidays) and we won't be doing anything. Sister invited us over, but neither I, nor the Youngest felt like going, seeing as how the only family there will be Sister's, plus RM & PT. 

Usually I do my birthday get together on this weekend as well. But with Saturday still being Aug 31st, it just didn't feel right. So I moved it to the 7th. The usual 'meet at the bar, say hi, hang out' afternoon. I was nice this year, and actually invited my Sister. Though they have some sort of surprise party for her SIL, so not sure they will be there. Whatever. I wasn't invited to that party, so pbbbbbt.

Kansas State is to watch this year! They have a sophomore named Ryan Davis #52 who is slated to be one heck of a DE. He also happens to be my best friend's nephew. First game is Saturday and we will be watching!

Enough writing... gonna try sleeping again....


Monday, August 26

Productive Morning

 The Youngest woke me about 9:30 this morning, as I had instructed him to do last night. We had some plans of things to get done, errands mostly, and I said he could do the driving. So off it was to Dollar Tree, where I was hoping to find soda and snacks for us for the next week or so. They truly only had one 2-Liter of soda left, thankfully, in a flavor the Youngest likes (tiki punch). Did find some small packages of pizza bites for a good price so got some of them for lunches. 

From there we headed to AutoZone as he had a couple items to return from a couple weeks ago. It was one of them universal rear mirror mounts for inside the car, as his had cracked and would not stay in place. I guess it would not properly connect to where his previous mirror was, or something, so I ended up ordering the specific mirror he needed for his car make/model. It was even cheaper than the two pieces they got from the auto store.

Our next stop was the grocery (Fry's/Kroger), and we really needed to stop, as I had "to go"! OF course, whenever I go into a Fry's, I have to do the #2, and the men's room has like 6 urinals, but only one toilet - which is always in use. Sigh. We cruised through the store picking up things from the list (I was smart and did one this time) and three separate times I tried to get use of the toilet. Finally after check-out, I did one last attempt, and got it. Whew! It would have been a hard 2 1/2 miles home if I hadn't!

The Wife said she needed a prescription picked up, so we went to the pharmacy and did that, then it was off to home and putting things up. I had a nice salad for lunch, and Youngest is on his own for food.

I guess I need to get the regular Monday email off to the Company....


Sunday, August 25

What New With You?

 Sometimes, it is the little things that just wear a person out mentally. This past week, it has been all about getting my new prescription filled at the pharmacy. I mentioned in the last post (from last Monday) the issues, and yes, they were finally resolved this past week. Tuesday I had went in for the blood draw for my lab work, and while at the Dr's office, asked about the authorization from the insurance for the prescription. They gave me the info they received (an email) which I took a copy with me. Then off to the pharmacy, where I spoke to the pharmacist, gave him the email, explained what was going on. He said he would call the insurance. An hour or so later, he calls me, the insurance company now is saying they need me to call them, to 'finalize authorization' - note, Thursday the week prior they had said it was all taken care of. So I got the number he was given. I was tired, and took a nap. After waking, I called the insurance company, was told just two hours prior to my call (and after they spoke to the pharmacy) everything had been taken care of (again). Later that afternoon, I got the text the 'script was ready for pick up. So I have been on the new med for a couple days, and haven't seen much improvement in my glucose levels. Might be it takes a bit longer.

After that fiasco, I was pretty much done dealing with anything for the week. I know, I'm a wimp.

As of this morning, I am now officially a member of the VFW Post 1433 Sandy Coor Riders Org. Late last night I had seen a post on the VFW post site about an open meeting this morning to start a chapter at my Post, so I got up early and went. No, I don't have a motorcycle, and I don't ride at all. No plans to get one. I signed on as 'Support Staff' and as of right now, am the only support they have. Of course, this was the first meeting, and since I didn't even know about it until late last night, I am sure many others didn't know either. Next month's meeting will bring more in I am sure. But this does mean I get a patch, so now have an excuse to get a leather vest to put it on, and look like a biker dude at the meetings and events we will eventually schedule and host. Heck, I already got some tats and the biker beard.

Nothing major planned for this week. Monday will get the usual email to the Company. I think this week I will play around with Google calendar, and see if I can start putting int he dates of things going on that I seem to not remember until they right upon the time of occurrence. Then I can sync with my phone as well. Never really sued it before, so will have to "learn" it.

Welp, Need to go take care of some other things now....


Monday, August 19

My Exciting Life ....

 There has just been so much going on lately, that I don't have time to write in here anymore. Now, if you know me, that is true sarcasm. I haven't done much of anything since last Wednesday.

A couple weeks ago (around about) I had gone to see the NP. We had adjusted the new med I was taking for diabetes from a 3mg to a 7mg. When it was first prescribed three months prior to that, it took nearly a month to get it approved through the insurance and actually get the meds. It's been two weeks now, and I still don't have the higher dosage yet. Since it was turned into the pharmacy, Walgreens has been telling me there is an 'insurance issue' with it. Well, Thursday, the NP's office called to tell me that it had been "taken care of" and should go through now. I also got a call from the insurance company, telling me it had been approved at the 7mg dosage for one year, then would need to be re-approved. Friday I get the text from Walgreens that I had 3 'scripts ready for pick-up. An hour later, text from Walgreens says 2 for pick-up, insurance issue with the one.

Sigh. Saturday I stopped in at Walgreens, picked up the 2 that were ready, and was told from them that they did get the 7mg dosage in, but insurance won't cover, as the pharmacy doesn't have the authorization for the 7mg that is supposed to go from the insurance to the Dr to the pharmacy. I explained it was all taken care of last Thursday. All to no avail. The Wife says give it a couple days, maybe just getting the info from ins-dr-pharm is retardedly slow and it will be resolved on Monday. So here I sit awaiting a text saying it is ready for pick-up. If I don't get it by noon, I'll be sending off a note to the Dr's office, explaining that the pharmacy needs that auth still and would they call there and give it versus email or whatever else. If I had not filled the 3mg dosage right before my last appointment, I don't know what I would do, as I have been taking two of them daily for now. Worst case is going back tot he Metformin, which I really hate all the side effects it gave me - even with extended release.

Saturday morning started off good. Took the Wife and Youngest up to Ronnie's to have breakfast. I Could barely eat half of mine (I know, unbelievable right?) and the only one that cleaned their plate was the Youngest. Afterwards went home and 'piddled around the house' not doing much of anything until decided to go pick up the meds.

Saturday evening I got to Wife to agree to going up to the VFW for the monthly steak dinner. For $20 you get a nice sized ribeye, huge baked potato, green beans, roll, salad and a dessert. It might be the last time for awhile that we do the steak dinner. We ordered our steaks medium, and when picking them up, was told med-rare, and I corrected that they should be medium. The gal said sorry, that was what she meant. Nope, we got to eating and they were not even med-rare, but RARE. I mean, mine moo'ed when I cut it. The baked potatoes were not 'baked' all the way and were half uncooked. Salad was skimpy - I had mine gone in three bites. The whole meal was just crappy compared to the last time we had it a few months ago. I know the volunteer crew working the kitchen that night was 'new' and not the usual crew, but still.... We stayed for the Queen of Hearts draw (rolls again) and left. Wife admitted she was overstimulated with all the loudness (karaoke) and the crowd that the draw brings in on a Saturday. That and add in my Brother and Wife showed up, sitting at the table next to us - ugh. I really dislike her.

Sunday was kind of boring as well. Middle Son stopped by (to do laundry) so got to visit with him a little. The Wife took Youngest out for more drive-time and lunch, so I headed up to the pub. While out driving they decided to go to the discount grocery, and I got a text asking if I wanted ginger ale. I'm more of a cola guy, but said sure, just for carbonation and it is probably better than cola for me. At that time, I noticed my bank card was not in my phone wallet. Uh oh. I last used it Saturday night at the VFW, and remember putting it in my shirt pocket. Must still be there. I texted the Wife, asked when they were done shopping, could she check the dirty clothes for the card, and if found, bring it up to me as I had no cash on me. Once she got home, she could not find the card in the laundry basket. So she brought me up some cash so I could pay my tab, then I went home. <shaking head>. The Wife had some plastic bags of (to me junk) small things for Christmas presents sitting next to the laundry basket. The first one I looked into, there was my card. She only looked int he basket. Sigh.

At least the card was found, and I didn't have to deal with a replacement, and all the re-upping info on auto-pays. It was still early so I went back out to another pub, had a couple more beers, read a few more chapters, then headed back to Whataburger to pick up supper (I had told the Wife I would do that).

Now it is almost 10am on a Monday. Email sent to the Company that I am available for any project. No text from the pharmacy yet, so may go ahead and note to the Dr office. But first, I think I need to go read a couple more chapters in the Reading Room, if ya know what I mean ....


Wednesday, August 14

My "I Don't Like It" Post

 I'm in one of those moods this morning. Kinda been in this mood since Monday, to be honest. I just don't like anyone, or anything. Last Thursday I had my 3-month check-in with the NP, and we adjusted one of my medications. Also needed to get lab work done to check other things. So I went Friday morning to the office, as they can draw my blood there, and of course, they were having an issue about entry to the building. The electronic lock on the employees door wasn't letting anyone in, so the office wasn't open. I wasn't going to wait around... I had to fast for the blood draw, and was still 'holding' that first pee of the day for the urine sample. So I left.

Then yesterday, I remembered I still needed to get the lab work done. I got up early this morning, with the intent to get up to the office right as they open, get the blood drawn, give the urine sample, and get home to bed for another hour or so. I did make it there by 7am (opening time) but only to find out the lab tech had called out this morning, and they had no idea if there was going to be a replacement. Now the tech is associated with the lab company Sonora Quest, and they just have an in-office person for ease I am guessing. I find it easier, and more convenient than trying to set an appointment with the SQ lab places, especially if it has to be a fasting w/urine sample needed. Morning appointments are hard to get in the Valley, with so many people needing it done as well. So I waited about five minutes before the staff told me there was not going to be a replacement, and I could just go to any SQ facility. So I returned home, figuring I will try again in a couple days.

No word from the Company in regards to any project work. Sigh.

Paris and the Olympics... now there is something I really didn't like. And that is all I am going to say about that.

I might have griped before about the 'new' headset I had recently bought. Supposed to be wireless, but wouldn't work with my computer, etc, etc. Last night, I noticed the Daughter and SIL were online in chat on Discord, so thought I would jump in and say hi. Plugged int he line for the headset, and I could hear them, but they could not hear me. Weird, considering I had just used the headset a few days before with no issues. I messed around with the system settings a bit, and plugging/unplugging the cord. Somehow, I ended up getting the wireless headset to actually be wireless, and work the way it was supposed to!! So now I think I see what I did and how it needs to be set up, for future usage. Kinda happy about that.

The Doctor's office called me a bit earlier (not about the lab stuff) and left a message, as I had not heard my phone ring. Message was about an issue with a prescription. Now yesterday I had gone to the pharmacy to do a pick-up and they told me there was an insurance issue with the new adjusted medication, so I guess that was what the Dr office was calling about. I called back, and the person I talked to said they could not tell why the other person had called me. I mentioned what the pharmacy said about an insurance issue, was told they would look into it, and call me back if more info was needed. WTH? Don't know why you called me? Sigh.

Welp, I think I am going to lay down for a nap.


Friday, August 9

Three-Quarters of a Century

 I think back to my grandparents, on Dad's side, and if they had not passed these recent years, they were -near 75 years of being married. I think they made about   years before Grandma passed away. But truly, the title today is more about RM, as she turns 75 years today. As my (cheap) gift for her birthday, I was able to take her out the the Black Bear Diner (good eatin's) for breakfast, and I truly ate too much. OR I feel that way. We spent a good hour and a half just chit-chattin' about whatever. She said some possible plans of how she is spending her day, and I hope she has an enjoyable time.

I think I will head up to the Post for a bit this afternoon. Tomorrow, RM had shared that someone we had known several years ago (not seen recently) had passed away, and a celebration of Life was scheduled for the afternoon. I mentioned it to the Wife, but not sure if she is wanting to go. I don't feel like I would like to attend. It had been years and I particularly was not close the this person. Will see what the Wife wants to do, I guess. If I don't go, probably end up at the Post for my regular Saturday thing.

After today, I guess the next birthday coming up in my family (not counting nieces, etc) is my own birthday. RM had asked what I would want for my birthday, and I told her nothing. I could not think of one thing that I particularly needed/wanted off the top of my head. On the drive home from breakfast though, I realized what would be nice.... If all of my kids would get together and take me out for supper. Yeah, all four of them, spouses, girlfriends, any kids (the one granddaughter), the Wife and I. This happened a few years ago, but hasn't really happened (with everyone) but has been close, a couple times.

Welp, I suppose I have wasted enough time sitting here trying to think what else to share.


Wednesday, August 7

Was It Worth Getting Out Of Bed?

 Ugh. Awake early today, thanks to some people sending text messages. Not able to get back to sleep so came into the office to let the Wife rest for a bit longer until she needs to get up and head to work.

Was supposed to have some big storm come through last night, but it didn't happen. Edit: Found the culprit - was the Middle Son, who left the package on the dryer, and forgot to put it on my desk. Some stupid <corrected text) idiot stole my amazon package, too. It was just a headset adapter, but yeah... I saw the pic of when it was delivered, and it wasn't here when I got home shortly after. What is up with people just stealing stuff? So I had to spend another $10 to order another one...

Now that I am remembering that damn porch pirate, I'm getting ticked off.


Tuesday, August 6

Home and Mostly Recovered

 The Wife and I made it home Sunday from our 4-day trip to Ohio and Indiana. The plane was only delayed an hour out of Indianapolis, so I think it was like 3:15 when we landed here in Phoenix. Not terrible. There was only one snafu to our trip, but I got it solved in about 15 minutes. That was regarding our rental car in Cincinnati.

I had a journal along with us, that I had written out the detailed plans of our trip, the addresses of places we needed to go (hotels, church for the wedding, etc) so that I wouldn't have to look up individual information on each place while trying to drive. I also wrote quite a bit in the journal about our trip. I am debating going to a written journal, but like RM says, I don't know if I would want others reading my personal thoughts of what I write down, after I am dead. Not that this particular time I had written any of those... just if I were to in the future. Normally I don't care what anyone thinks about what I say/think....

Okay, some things about the trip.... I'm not going to just blindly reserve a hotel without checking it out more. Travelodge by Wyndham in Gallipolis was a crap-hole. We arrived like 9pm, and during check-in they mentioned they had no rooms available on the first floor. They also had no elevator. So it was fun climbing the stairs, with luggage, using a cane. Then our room, sigh. On 'my side' of the bed, there were no outlets at all. So I could not plug in my CPAP. I tried to sleep without it, but after three hours, I gave up, placed my head at the foot of the bed, and stretched out the CPAP and cord from the opposite wall, just so I could sleep. "Continental breakfast"? Hmph. A waffle-maker, a toaster, choice of two cold cereals, pre-packaged danish and small muffins, cran or Orange juice. That was it. I had cereal and a danish. And back to the room.... there were signs of repair all over the place, and not complete. Was very tacky.

The wedding was ...different. It was a Mennonite wedding, which I have never been to one. Several small sermons, before we got to the bride and groom. No exchange of rings, no clapping at all, no cheering. We were dismissed by 'importance' (people in the ceremony, family, friends, etc). The reception was pretty much the same. Speakers throughout, and no clapping, cheering, applause. Food was good! Had chicken fajitas and toppings, plus some appetizers. The Wife's family were happy we were there, as none of the other siblings had come.

Then we were off to Indy. Drove through some pretty heavy rains on the way - enough to make even me slow down to about 30 mph on the freeway. Made the hotel (Travelodge by Wyndham Speedway) around 5:30, and it was a palace compared to the one the night before. They had no King-bed that I had reserved, but gave us 2-Queen beds, and I insisted it be on the first floor. Was placed very near the door to Parking, and even the pool was right out the door from us (pool was indoor). Met up with the Uncle, Aunt and Cousin and had dinner out at Dennys. Then Uncle and I went out for a few beers (our tradition). 

Saturday we went to Frankfort (Home of the Hotdogs!) and visited Sis and her family. Took them to lunch at Applebee's, then headed back to Indy. There was talk of meeting up with another Aunt and Uncle, but She got all snippy and didn't join us for dinner. RM had mentioned to this Aunt that I was going to be back there, and that is my fault. Should have told RM to not tell anyone my plans. I'll talk to her about that Friday....

Sunday was just taking it easy, getting the rental to the airport and to our gate. Flight was only an hour late. Did a Lyft home from the airport.

There were many other things I wrote about, from our trip, but don't think I will share them here.

Got a Dr appointment this Thursday, and probably a blood draw Friday morning before I meet RM for breakfast. She is turning 75 on Friday. Breakfast is my gift to her, as I have no other idea of what to get her except like a card for Joann Fabric or Amazon. Saturday may be going to a Celebration of Life, if the Wife wants to go, for a person we were friends with many years ago at the church.

The Middle Son has a birthday this week as well, on Wednesday. I don't think we have any plans for anything since he will have to work that night. Maybe I should see about finding something as a gift, but I don't know.

And I am done with blog today....
