Monday, April 27

Counting Down

Now under the two week mark to the Daughter's Wedding. Maybe I am a bad dad because I just can't wait until this is all over and done with. The flurry of anxious activity around the house this weekend just irritates me on several levels. I am sure this next weekend will be worse, as the final details are honed/planned/designed/etc. Maybe I can get a cot at the pub and just stay there all weekend.

It is back to work of course, since it is Monday. This week, our Parts "Mgr." was planning to be gone this week. Which meant I was to have to arrive a couple hours earlier than normal to help with the workload. The other parts person can't seem to handle both their jobs when she is out. However, those plans changed last week, and I may only have to go in early tomorrow. I won't know for sure until I get in today. My guess is my co-worker will wuss out and say he needs my help tomorrow. He was off last Friday, and I managed to do both his and my own jobs just fine ... as well as part of the other co-worker's. She had had to leave early as just found out one of her sisters had passed away. Yeah. Depressing I know.

No major plans this week. One of my good buddies is leaving for a cruise over the next couple of weeks, so I have no one to hang out with in the evenings or weekends for awhile. The family is going crazy with wedding and Prom stuff. I still need to find something to wear for the wedding.

Guess I don't have much else to say. Maybe I will go into work early today.


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