Not much to say today. I spent yesterday morning putting a barbecue grill together for a friend. Today my back is a bit stiff and sore. I am hoping I didn't tweak it out again.
It is Halloween today. Tonight it looks like the Wife and kids will be traveling to the churches around the area with the Sis and her kids. The daughter has an AWAY game to attend, so we will have to be back home by 10'ish.
Tomorrow begins another early morning exodus to the ball field for the son's football team. Leave by around 7 to drive an hour plus across the Valley again. I keep telling myself, only 1 more week of this crap.
I am off to watch "The Happening". Y'all enjoy some good ol candy corn and dum-dums.
A simple place for which I fill the space with my rants and raves about whatever I want. You don't like it, don't let the knob hit ya in the ass on the way out the door.
Friday, October 31
Monday, October 27
School Day At Last!
Finally, a day when I have a chance to get on the computer with no kids fighting about online time and games they need to catch up on playing. Some of you out there understand what I am saying.
Thank you for the nice comments on the daughter's pic. I'll have to let her know to check over here to see them. I do not think she was aware I was going to post the pic.
So how's life? Same-O same-O it seems. I am getting ready to go thru the ads for this week as soon as I finish up here. Nothing like some reading time in the bathroom. School is back in session for the kids, so things are getting back to normal (whatever that is) around here.
The son had his football game this past Saturday in the Miami-Globe area. In other words, a 2 hour drive to somewhere east of Phoenix. Big mining community. They won! and as a prize they were given some rocks that have some unique jewel that is only found in 3 parts of the world - herein AZ, Hawaii and some other place. I need to look up the info on it. He has only 2 more games this season - thank goodness - and tomorrow night we are supposed to find out the locations. Better not be another trip like this last one.
Halloween is Friday. We are doubling up with my Sister's kids and hitting some of the churches for trick or treating. The Wife and I don't care to walk our neighborhood with the way the kids around here behave. Then before you know it, Turkey Day will be here - my favorite Holiday. I need to get my lazy ass back into the gym to burn off the pounds I know I am going to add come this holiday.
Okay, enough for now. Try to be back tomorrow for more exciting drivel.
Thank you for the nice comments on the daughter's pic. I'll have to let her know to check over here to see them. I do not think she was aware I was going to post the pic.
So how's life? Same-O same-O it seems. I am getting ready to go thru the ads for this week as soon as I finish up here. Nothing like some reading time in the bathroom. School is back in session for the kids, so things are getting back to normal (whatever that is) around here.
The son had his football game this past Saturday in the Miami-Globe area. In other words, a 2 hour drive to somewhere east of Phoenix. Big mining community. They won! and as a prize they were given some rocks that have some unique jewel that is only found in 3 parts of the world - herein AZ, Hawaii and some other place. I need to look up the info on it. He has only 2 more games this season - thank goodness - and tomorrow night we are supposed to find out the locations. Better not be another trip like this last one.
Halloween is Friday. We are doubling up with my Sister's kids and hitting some of the churches for trick or treating. The Wife and I don't care to walk our neighborhood with the way the kids around here behave. Then before you know it, Turkey Day will be here - my favorite Holiday. I need to get my lazy ass back into the gym to burn off the pounds I know I am going to add come this holiday.
Okay, enough for now. Try to be back tomorrow for more exciting drivel.
Friday, October 24
Finally! Some time for me!
I apologize for the time delay on getting back on here. Computer time here at the d00d household come sin weird sessions. Daughter gets first for homework, then smaller kids for emails/games, then the Wife for emails, then finally me. Usually by this time I am asleep and don't care to awaken to update.
So it has been a couple weeks. The basics: Son lost another game. Daughter did Homecoming, below is a pic of this beautiful daughter (anyone puts nasty comments I will hunt and kill you). See her in her splendor....
I am in the process of getting over some nasty bronchitis/sinus infection which has kept me pretty much messed up over the last couple of weeks. I like to think I am damn near over it now, though I have a lingering cough, and some slight nasal congestion - though I am not sure the congestion is from allergies or the cold. Could be a combination I suppose.
Son has a game this week - one of the last few - but it is damn near 60 miles outside the Valley. So come Saturday, we leave at 8am, be there by 10, game at 12, over by 2, and home by hopefully 4. In the meantime, the daughter has to be at a band event by 3 at the school. Thank goodness for grandparents!
Job market is still bleak. I did mail out my early ballot this week, so hopefully it will have an impact no matter how anyone else votes. Otherwise, I guess we can all probably prepare ourselves for hell. Or should that be Hell, with a capital H?
I miss you all, and hope to find some more time available to read up in the next week - barring children interaction, and health issues.
So it has been a couple weeks. The basics: Son lost another game. Daughter did Homecoming, below is a pic of this beautiful daughter (anyone puts nasty comments I will hunt and kill you). See her in her splendor....
Son has a game this week - one of the last few - but it is damn near 60 miles outside the Valley. So come Saturday, we leave at 8am, be there by 10, game at 12, over by 2, and home by hopefully 4. In the meantime, the daughter has to be at a band event by 3 at the school. Thank goodness for grandparents!
Job market is still bleak. I did mail out my early ballot this week, so hopefully it will have an impact no matter how anyone else votes. Otherwise, I guess we can all probably prepare ourselves for hell. Or should that be Hell, with a capital H?
I miss you all, and hope to find some more time available to read up in the next week - barring children interaction, and health issues.
Sunday, October 12
Weekend Update for now
I know it is still Sunday morning here in the west, but it seems most of the weekend has passed - at least a majority of the activities. Here are some quick updates...
Friday - The daughter's school lost their homecoming football game. That always sucks.
Saturday - The son's team finally won a game and scored 3 touchdowns!! The other team is now 0-5, whereas his is 1-4. Had to listen to 30 minutes of him being upset with his sister after the game though. The coach was buying pizza for the team near where they played, but we had to head home so she could "make herself up" for the dance. So after her ride picked her up, we treated the boys to a dinner out. That seemed to make up for it. The daughter evidently had a nice time, and I will show you how great she looked once I get the camera back from the wife.
Today is an easy day. My Sis and family left for Cali to attend 2 days of Disneyland, so I am sort of house/dog sitting for them while they are gone. I am going to kick back and watch some movies and football and eat all their leftovers - well maybe not all. It's a nice day. Temps in the 70's, no kids, lotsa TV and food. I know, your jealous!
And just because it is sunday....

Catch y'all later today or tomorrow.
Friday, October 10
Another activity filled weekend!
Here at the d00d household, we again have another action packed weekend of kids events. At least, it feels packed full, though I am probably exaggerating more than usual. It all starts tonight....
Daughter has her Homecoming football game tonight, and of course will be in the Marching Chiefs halftime show. Somehow, teens think this is such a big event but I never understood it. Tomorrow night is her Dance. This is the first year she was asked by someone. A fellow clarinet player so I feel he should be safe. So the daughter is excited about going to the dance as a double-date with her best friend, and her date's best friend.
The oldest son has his football game tomorrow at noon. At least it is on the west side of the valley this week. Hopefully they will win, or at least score this week.
The two younger boys just get to tag along to everything else. Sunday seems clear for now, except for the Wife and kids going to church.
Nascar is a Saturday night race, so no race on Sunday for me - instead I'll probably go to watch the games.
I just got done ordering tickets for Trans Siberian Orchestra. They are coming out here on Nov. 23rd. The Wife had me order tickets for us and the three older kids. There goes around $250 and the biggest part of their
Christmas. But the good thing is they won't care. All of them enjoy the three albums of TSO I have now. Glad I can keep them interested in reading and music.
Alrighty then. I am headed off to read some more of the latest batch of books from the library. Whoever mentioned Tim Dorsey - man, I read "Torpedo Juice" and that is definitely some humorous writing.
Daughter has her Homecoming football game tonight, and of course will be in the Marching Chiefs halftime show. Somehow, teens think this is such a big event but I never understood it. Tomorrow night is her Dance. This is the first year she was asked by someone. A fellow clarinet player so I feel he should be safe. So the daughter is excited about going to the dance as a double-date with her best friend, and her date's best friend.
The oldest son has his football game tomorrow at noon. At least it is on the west side of the valley this week. Hopefully they will win, or at least score this week.
The two younger boys just get to tag along to everything else. Sunday seems clear for now, except for the Wife and kids going to church.
Nascar is a Saturday night race, so no race on Sunday for me - instead I'll probably go to watch the games.
I just got done ordering tickets for Trans Siberian Orchestra. They are coming out here on Nov. 23rd. The Wife had me order tickets for us and the three older kids. There goes around $250 and the biggest part of their
Christmas. But the good thing is they won't care. All of them enjoy the three albums of TSO I have now. Glad I can keep them interested in reading and music.
Alrighty then. I am headed off to read some more of the latest batch of books from the library. Whoever mentioned Tim Dorsey - man, I read "Torpedo Juice" and that is definitely some humorous writing.
Wednesday, October 8
WOW! Another post!
I had to throw another post in here to mess y'all up on yer reading. I know, you really only flip through here on a daily basis to make me feel good (and it really works!) but I know ...
So, here is some more useless fodder. Son had football practice tonight. Now, they have the team just under their division practicing on the same field, same time. Tonight for some reason, they went head to head. Okay, now my Sis may disagree (though she was not there, and is going from B-I-L opinion only) but I think our boys got their asses beat and handed to them by the younger and smaller team. My opine, but that is the way I saw it.
My son comes off after practice saying, "Dad, I knocked the dude on his butt like lots of times!"
"Oh?" I ask."Because he is like 8 years old and you are 10, and you are about 20 pounds heavier, plus prolly like 6 inches taller?!?"
Needless to say, he didn't understand until I got home and literally laid it out for him. But he did understand then. Doesn't matter, I still love him!
Oh, for Maeve ( I Luv ya darlin'!) Whiskey working well tonight. No, not well whiskey, but working well! Would love the massuese work any day, just gotta fnd someone I am okay with... but note taken with ink!
OK - 3am is early enough for anyone. I am off to bed. Luvs ya!
So, here is some more useless fodder. Son had football practice tonight. Now, they have the team just under their division practicing on the same field, same time. Tonight for some reason, they went head to head. Okay, now my Sis may disagree (though she was not there, and is going from B-I-L opinion only) but I think our boys got their asses beat and handed to them by the younger and smaller team. My opine, but that is the way I saw it.
My son comes off after practice saying, "Dad, I knocked the dude on his butt like lots of times!"
"Oh?" I ask."Because he is like 8 years old and you are 10, and you are about 20 pounds heavier, plus prolly like 6 inches taller?!?"
Needless to say, he didn't understand until I got home and literally laid it out for him. But he did understand then. Doesn't matter, I still love him!
Oh, for Maeve ( I Luv ya darlin'!) Whiskey working well tonight. No, not well whiskey, but working well! Would love the massuese work any day, just gotta fnd someone I am okay with... but note taken with ink!
OK - 3am is early enough for anyone. I am off to bed. Luvs ya!
Tuesday, October 7
Writing from the Injured Reserve area ...
Today is your lucky day! I can actually sit for a moderately length of time in front of the computer and get some stuff done. Seems I tweaked my back somehow and for the past week, or more, it has been difficult to sit, or recline, or walk, or just about anything. But today I feel up to sitting for a short time, and within the next couple of days, I should be back to pretty much normal - for me.
What has happened since that last post? Lessee ... my son's football team lost yet another game. Now makes them like 0-4. They still have yet to score a single touchdown. That fact is really starting to bother my son, plus the fact they only play him the required number of plays, plus maybe one or two. He has two more regular games, then a couple bowl games. The Bowl gasmes are supposed to be against teams with similar records - but I don't know if that will be possible at the rate they are going. He has pretty much decided he does not want to play with this team/league next year, and his cousin feels pretty much the same. Talking to the B-I-L we may sign them back into Pop Warner next year - who knows.
The daughter had her first performance of the year. She played the lead of Cinderella in an adapted version of said play, placed in the '80's. I suffered through Saturday night's performance to see her, though I did a lot of shifting and standing. Overall I thought the play sucked, but of course my daughter was great.
Today I think I shall make another trip to the library. I still have a nice list of suggestions for reading material, and am working on reading many of them in order. I also started watching "Boston Legal" this last week (season one) and actually find I like it. I will be continuing the series on DVD.
We have gone over the 20K mark here at B&B - thanks for the grats shout Freddie! I probably should go and see who it was, only I don't know how to tell. Well, sorta anyways. No prozes given away this time, but many thanks to those that click here to advance the count.
Okay, I am done for now. I am going to go lay down a bit then be back to read some blogs - I need to catch up!
What has happened since that last post? Lessee ... my son's football team lost yet another game. Now makes them like 0-4. They still have yet to score a single touchdown. That fact is really starting to bother my son, plus the fact they only play him the required number of plays, plus maybe one or two. He has two more regular games, then a couple bowl games. The Bowl gasmes are supposed to be against teams with similar records - but I don't know if that will be possible at the rate they are going. He has pretty much decided he does not want to play with this team/league next year, and his cousin feels pretty much the same. Talking to the B-I-L we may sign them back into Pop Warner next year - who knows.
The daughter had her first performance of the year. She played the lead of Cinderella in an adapted version of said play, placed in the '80's. I suffered through Saturday night's performance to see her, though I did a lot of shifting and standing. Overall I thought the play sucked, but of course my daughter was great.
Today I think I shall make another trip to the library. I still have a nice list of suggestions for reading material, and am working on reading many of them in order. I also started watching "Boston Legal" this last week (season one) and actually find I like it. I will be continuing the series on DVD.
We have gone over the 20K mark here at B&B - thanks for the grats shout Freddie! I probably should go and see who it was, only I don't know how to tell. Well, sorta anyways. No prozes given away this time, but many thanks to those that click here to advance the count.
Okay, I am done for now. I am going to go lay down a bit then be back to read some blogs - I need to catch up!
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