Tuesday, October 7

Writing from the Injured Reserve area ...

Today is your lucky day! I can actually sit for a moderately length of time in front of the computer and get some stuff done. Seems I tweaked my back somehow and for the past week, or more, it has been difficult to sit, or recline, or walk, or just about anything. But today I feel up to sitting for a short time, and within the next couple of days, I should be back to pretty much normal - for me.

What has happened since that last post? Lessee ... my son's football team lost yet another game. Now makes them like 0-4. They still have yet to score a single touchdown. That fact is really starting to bother my son, plus the fact they only play him the required number of plays, plus maybe one or two. He has two more regular games, then a couple bowl games. The Bowl gasmes are supposed to be against teams with similar records - but I don't know if that will be possible at the rate they are going. He has pretty much decided he does not want to play with this team/league next year, and his cousin feels pretty much the same. Talking to the B-I-L we may sign them back into Pop Warner next year - who knows.

The daughter had her first performance of the year. She played the lead of Cinderella in an adapted version of said play, placed in the '80's. I suffered through Saturday night's performance to see her, though I did a lot of shifting and standing. Overall I thought the play sucked, but of course my daughter was great.

Today I think I shall make another trip to the library. I still have a nice list of suggestions for reading material, and am working on reading many of them in order. I also started watching "Boston Legal" this last week (season one) and actually find I like it. I will be continuing the series on DVD.

We have gone over the 20K mark here at B&B - thanks for the grats shout Freddie! I probably should go and see who it was, only I don't know how to tell. Well, sorta anyways. No prozes given away this time, but many thanks to those that click here to advance the count.

Okay, I am done for now. I am going to go lay down a bit then be back to read some blogs - I need to catch up!


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