Monday, July 13

Another Monday

Here it is early Monday morning. I have once again been up too late playing WoW at my sister's place. Oh well. I am leveling like a bad boy!

Weekend was good. My bro from NM came into town and we were able to get together for a bit. Another friend celebrated his birthday - that was fun.

This Friday I leave for my trip. I might be able to blog whilst on the road - depends on where I stay with computers or what not. In the meantime, posting will be a bit slow. I will be finalizing my packing, and getting all the paperwork, etc in order. I hate leaving details to the last minute.

This weekend was the annual OMBAC OTL that I was not able to attend. The boys remembered me Saturday morning though as they called, texted, and had my favorite waitress call me and complain about the excess of Jack Daniels they had this year, expecting me to be there to consume it all. I really wish I could have made it, but there is next year.

That's it for now. I think I am going to actually head home to bed.


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