Thursday, May 21

A New Normal

No content. Whining, complaining, not benefiting society, being free-loaders. This is the New Normal. I read some short article this morning about how media outlets are all using that term "new normal". Supposedly, the repetition of the phrase is to imprint it on society, so they accept it. Kind of like learning by rote. Do I agree with it? No.

I say that, because what all does it mean? The way it appears, the phrase refers to the way all levels of government are using 'guidelines' interpreted as a law (which they are not) as the way things are going to be now. Restrictions on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Freedoms. Our Rights. More control to those that never had it before, and more control to those that DO NOT need it. 

I mean, to me it sounds like taking things away from the People. Is that a normal thing, let alone a NEW normal? Seems to be happening that way. Because People are letting it.

So, again, do I agree with that phrase? I'm going to have to say no. Do you want what society has been turning into over the past three months to be a normal? I don't.


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