Friday, May 22

School is Over

The confetti has fallen, now littering the floor amidst the spaces between half-filled balloons and the random graduation caps. the middle Son's "graduation was Wednesday night on the school's YouTube channel. What a joke. They should have disabled the "live" chat feed while the slideshow was going, but they didn't. Disrespectful comments continued throughout. I only watched to see my Son.

This afternoon we will be driving over to the HS to pick up his diploma. that will make it official he has graduated and moves into the next stage of his life. What are his plans? I haveno idea. I don't think he does as a rule either.

Then summer will follow. It has been mild here and not many days over 100 yet, though I know it will change rapidly I am sure.

One kid left. Four years of HS. Then they are all done.


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