Friday, January 19

CdaC: The Final Countdown

 Today is the actual procedure. I'm a bit nervous about it, as I, in general, don't care for medical facilities, and just hate the thought of anything being done to my body while I am unconscious. Weird, right? Anyways, today's final instructions were to take ONLY my blood pressure meds, with just a sip of water, then nothing to eat/drink until after the procedure (which is at 12:30pm).

Yesterday wasn't as bad as I feared it could have been. Did the tablets at noon, started drinking the special kool-aid at 4, and the last couple tablets about 8. Yes, there were several trips to the bathroom, but it wasn't as explosive, and all consuming of my time, like I imagined. I did have a hard time getting to sleep, between a couple trips late at night, and the fact I was actually starting to feel pretty hungry. This morning, I slept in to try to avoid as much of the hunger pangs as I can, but already they have started. I'm thinking the Chinese buffet for lunch.... or Subway ... or salad somewhere. I don't know, so much sounds so good right now.

I've got about 2 1/2 hours to kill before I need to be there. I'm going to go try to occupy my mind that I am not thinking about food.


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