Thursday, January 18

CdaC: Part III (Or T-Minus One Day)

 Today's instructions from the doctor regarding the procedure, are the longest ones of all.

1. Begin a CLEAR, LIQUID Diet, NO SOLID FOOD all day. Drink at least  8 glasses of water to not dehydrate.

2. At 12 noon, take 4 Dulcolax tablets. Mix 64 oz. of liquid with 8.3 oz Miralax and refrigerate (do not add ice).

3. Between 4 and 5 pm, drink an 8 oz glass of the mixture. Every 15 minutes, drink an 8 oz glass until the mixture is gone.

4. At 7:30pm, take 2 more Dulcolax tablets.

I paraphrased that, as the way it reads it is much longer and speaks of possible side effects of drinking the mixture (feet may get cold). Then the reading goes on to say what is considered a 'clear liquid' and what is not. Mostly I cannot have red/purple drink, alcohol, dairy products (no ice cream, damn),noodles or vegetables in soup, pulp in juices, and liquid I cannot see through. I can have Gatorade (or similar, carbonated drinks (I got soda yesterday),coffee/tea (though I can't see through it?),strained juices (no pulp) Jell-o (no red/purple), and clear broth/bouillon.

They make so many specific things one can/cannot have, then contradict themselves in a way... No liquids you cannot see through, yet can have sodas, and tea/coffee. Ok to have broth (like beef) but does one 'see through' it? I dunno. Either way, it's what I have for today. The fun times start after the 4 tablets at noon, I am guessing, except they are about 6 1/2 hours late. I woke about 5:30 this morning, already making a beeline for the bathroom. So far, the only injury is a bit of my pride when I admit I am down one pair of underwear for the day already....

The hardest part will be tomorrow. Once I awake, I can only have a sip of water to wash down my BP meds (no other meds) and then absolutely nothing until after the procedure (scheduled for 12:30 pm). I'm already thinking of what I want to eat afterwards (Subway? Salad? Ice Cream?). After lunch will be a stop at Lowe's for some supplies. The stand-up shower in our back bathroom developed a leak from the side of the tub basin. After some extensive research yesterday, I figured out it is regarding the drain - either the seal or the washer seal. I'll replace both, as it looks fairly simple - maybe 30 minutes to complete. Then will leaves towels down on the floor to soak up seepage for a day before re-caulking the edge between basin and floor. Hopefully that will al go smooth and be able to shower in there again by Sunday (allowing dry-time).

The Middle Son decided to get his horizontal license (showing he is not under 21 years) and had told me about two weeks ago to expect it in the mail. It cam the other day, so I let him know. Yesterday he :messaged that he would stop by this morning after his work (about 7:30am) to get it, and asked if I would like to go out and have breakfast with him. I groaned. The one time he asks Dad to go out to eat, I am on a liquid diet. I explained to him, and he offered for another time then. But he is still coming by and we can visit for a bit at least.

Well, I guess that is all I have for today. Maybe tomorrow's update prior to the procedure will have some funny tale(s) about mishaps of not making the bathroom in time, or some other thing happening.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you! Just wear your underwear after you take that stuff.... they are easier to take off versus unzipping pants! Stick to the elastic waistband. I feel for you. And if you only have one pair left... you might consider running a washload this morning. (not laughing) Can't wait to hear how you 'come out' of this. I went through 5 pairs of underwear one year I had to have it. Yeah... water does not hold in - it just runs. Check your toilet paper to be sure you ahve plenty.