Friday, July 2

It Never Fails ....

Here it is, the eve before leaving on a two week road trip. The Wife had to work late due to getting things squared away prior to leaving on vacation. She's a physical therapist so it is kind of important. So, now getting final packing done (her, kids, miscellaneous extras, etc) is delayed. To top that off the youngest (4 years old) has been running a temperature all day, so Grandma has been giving him Children's Motrin (or equivalent). Worse, as of the Wife finally being able to leave work (3 hours later than normal) his temp has risen to 102.9 and parental worry has set in, since we are leaving tomorrow.

Okay, the ER is basically going to prescribe the same care he has had all day, but would be able to detect if it is due to an ear infection or another cause. We usually go to an UrgentCare facility near us, but they had closed at 8pm. The Wife remembered a nighttime pediatric care place, and I did the quick internet search to find a location. Currently she is there getting him checked, and I am waiting to hear.

She did drop off the older boys so I could at least get them packed. They now have clothes packed and ready minus the bathroom necessities. Backpacks are packed with books, DVDs, some small toys and puzzle books. One Gameboy is on the charger, and the other will be on before the night is gone. I am pretty much packed as well - have been for a couple days now.

The daughter is at some pool party at a friends, and I expected her home before now. It is almost an hour after the time she said it ended. She says she is packed minus her bathroom stuff.

So now it sit and wait for the Wife, then wait for her to pack her and the youngest's stuff. I would help, but I can't match clothing good, and she probably has ideas what she wants him to wear anyways.

I am just hoping he has some small bug that flared his temp up and it is not something we need to get extra meds for to help. Ear infection on a road trip does not sound like fun to me.

Hoping to hit the road by 8am tomorrow. Don't know if that will happen or not. In the meantime, have a nice two weeks!


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