Thursday, January 7

Am I Able?

Moving today, is actually a little worse than yesterday. It seems whilst driving around (aka my job) Monday night, I had a 'little slip' and bruised the muscle on the backside of my leg, up near/under my buttock. Not enough to discolor the skin, but enough that it isn't a pleasure-feeling I get when walking around. Luckily, within a few steps it backs off (the pain). However, sitting for 20 minutes, and climbing down from the cab of the truck... not fun. Last night was bad. Getting out of bed this morning was not enjoyable either.Feels worse, though I know it isn't.

So should we talk about things that are a pain in the ass? What would the average male say ... mothers-in-law (though I love mine), taxes (well.... yeah can't argue), and people that don't properly chill a pinot noir wine.

What average guy is drinking wine? Let alone know the proper chill point?!? Be happy it came from a bottle instead of a box!

No idea where that all came from.... I must be slipping mentally (go figure).

Off to watch a movie before work.


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