Saturday, January 20

I Shit You Not ...

 ... Yesterday sucked. There is no other way to really describe it, than that phrase. I slept in until about 8:30am, got up, took only the BP meds (per doctors orders). I wasn't allowed to have anything else until after the procedure. I was scheduled for 12:30pm, so I knew I had to show up an hour before (according to what I was told last month before the reschedule). I was wrong. SO the Wife and I ended up there an hour earlier than needed...totally my fault. When they told me 12:30, it included the prior hour for prep. Sigh.

So I finally get called back. It turns out I am the last patient of the day. The nurse can't find a vein in my wrist for the IV (oh joy). It didn't hurt terribly, but it wasn't pleasant. Another nurse had to set the IV. Then I laid there for 20 minutes. Finally the anesthesiologist comes and wheels the bed back to the room. They have me lay on my side, position my arms such and such way, then he says "Nighty-Night", and that's it.

I wake up in recovery, immediately I can feel I was violated. My butthole is tender, and each time (even this morning) I "pucker" it, I can feel how I was violated. The doctor comes by, explains they removed 6 polyps (doesn't sound bad) and they will contact me in a week if the are benign or whatnot (reasonable). Then he mentions that the cleansing wasn't as good as it should have been (not my fault - I followed directions) and he wants me to repeat the colonoscopy in a year, at which time they want to double the dose of the cleansing drink. WTF?!? My sister had 13 polyps and she got a 5 year pass... now I have to do this in a year, and with more of the kool-aid?!? I'm not happy.

I dress and they rush me out the door, I had not even farted yet. Of course I was hungry, so we ended up at Subway to grab sandwiches to take home. I devoured mine - I mean, it was gone in moments. I wasn't supposed to drink alcohol for at least 24 hours, but after how the day went, I did go out to the pub for about 4 beers last night. Got some reading done.

Overall experience, the colonoscopy wasn't terrible. I think the doctor is a quack, and I am going to ask for a referral to another doctor. There is no reason to have to do another one in a year. Heck, I just may ignore it all and wait until I am ready. Did that before. Guess I should wait for the results in a week before I decide on a final answer....

Taking the Wife (and maybe Youngest) to Ronnie's this morning. The Wife and Youngest are then spending the afternoon and sometime with his girlfriend. I'm stuck fixing a leaking drain issue in our shower (I hope fixing is the right word).



Joe said...

It all come out alright in the end...

Rev Mom said...

Your aunt had the same problem using miralax. It doesn't get you totally cleaned out. The other is a bit more tough, but 'next time' ask for supra because it does clean you out. If you are going to do it - get it all out and be done with it. Yeah... the best words I heard last year after mine.... "you don't have to do this again". I did the happy dance.