Tuesday, January 30

Tuesday It Is ...

 ... I did not do anything that made me feel like I accomplished anything yesterday. Well, I did go to the pub, and finished another book. So there, I did accomplish something.

Yesterday, I also took a crap. And my anus hurts. I know you really don't want to hear about my butt hurting, but it is a severe distraction. Since I had that colonoscopy, my anus hurts whenever I "make poopies". Most of the time, it is not severe, and usually dissipates after a couple hours of minor discomfort. Yesterday, not so much. The pain persevered even after drinking (sitting on very low-padded seat) so I took a stool softener and a few hours of sleep. In other words, I woke around 4:30am and was in pain!! I had no need to go, but tried without straining. With no success in that department, I wiped, then cleaned, the area, hoping for any relief. That all seemed to fail, so since I was awake, I jumped on the good ol' medical doctor (read as Google) and tried to diagnose after-effects and anal pain from colonoscopy, with no luck. Seems it is a condition that should only last a few days (some sites), not at all (other sites), and means there is something seriously wrong (I hurt so that must be it).

As I sat here and read through all the sites, well, at least the ones that mentioned/seemed to be about the symptoms I was experiencing, the pain gradually has faded. Just as if I had 'pooped' and that pain would fade over a few hours. Sigh. I am headed back to bed, as I am beat.

But before I go, I understand the importance of having a colonoscopy. Even though this time (my first) the doctor says I need to do it again in a year, because his 'cleansing regime' didn't "clean me out as well", I don't think I am doing it again unless there is a valid reason. Age just doesn't cut it. I'm hoping ina  year, this anal pain after every bowel movement has gone away.

Enough shit talking... go enjoy your day.



Anonymous said...

I know you don’t want to - but you need to have someone other than this Dr to look - you should not have any pain at all and it could be an open sore on the inside. Seriously - you should not be in any pain.

Rev Mom said...

Please call your primary care and tell them what is happening - it should not be happening. There is something seriously wrong. love you.