Friday, February 9

Friday Special

 Hmmmm, let's see what I have on mind today....

I'm chowing down on a pretty good salad. Wednesday, between the Wife's appointments, we had stopped at the grocery. The main goal was milk... by almost $90 later we were leaving. I had to use the restroom, so that meant we strolled through the produce section. I decided to get salad for my lunches the next few days (eating healthier, right?). They have all those pre-made salads, and the Wife noticed that many were marked down due to date of freshness. So we ended up with a handful of those as well. Then, since the milk was clear over on the other side of the store, there were some deals we came across that we couldn't pass up, like tortillas for $1.49. I love them... I spread Miracle Whip on it, a couple pieces of salami and roll them up. nice easy lunch. That meant we had to get lunch meat as well. You see how this is going.... Oh, but back to salad. One of the mark-downs was a $10 salad down to $4.50, and this thing is quite large. Plus it came with the add-ins of red peppers, eggs, cheese, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. I'm nearly done with it, and I am stuffed!

Tomorrow we are headed to Tucson for the day. The SIL is in Peru (the country) for a couple weeks for work, and we thought we would go down and spend the day with the Daughter and Doodad. Which means I will miss the drawing for $12.5+ going on down at the VFW tomorrow night. But maybe my brother will win. Sunday afternoon I will be headed up to the bar my buddy owns to watch the game and maybe play some "squares". Maybe win.

Then Monday will be here. Yee. Haw.


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