Sunday, February 18

Sunday Is A Late Day

 Everything is late today. I slept in late. Blame the alcohol, and the late hour I was out until last night. Didn't win the money at the VFW, but the pot rolls again to next week. Always another chance. Afterwards, I went to a pub I had not been to in quite awhile. It's called 007's, up around 43rd Av and Union Hills (for those of you that know the Valley). Met my buddy J there, since he is not allowed at the regular place we used to go to... long story. We hung out for awhile before I declared I needed to go home.

So I slept in late. The Wife went to pick up lunch (late) as she didn't feel like making anything. She asked me where/what I wanted, and I said she could decide. Of course, she hates having to make decisions. So just before she left, I asked where she had decided, and she asked me again what I wanted, so I said Subway. Then she left. I have no idea where she is going, or what I will have for lunch. In some ways, that's interesting....

Going to spend most of the day doing screen time. I know I need to catch up on some of the shows/movies I have saved.


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