Monday, February 26

Returning to a Routine ...

 The Youngest has some Zero Hour practices at school this week, and into early next week. Which basically means that he has to be there prior to 7am, similar to when marching band is in session. This is because the band director that started there last year, decided to split the band up in regards to their practice times. Which means, instead of full band rehearsing at Zero hour all year, only wood winds and brass at zero hour, and percussion has a class schedule at like 4th hour. Meaning the Youngest had to give up an elective this year. It also means, that the percussion section does not practice at all with the full band. Needless to say, this band director was "asked to leave" do to complaints of possible behavior related to possible drug use. So A new director started this new semester, and this is the only way to get the full band together to practice for the spring concert (which is March 5th at 7pm RM). There is no way he could fix the students schedules halfway through the year....

I don't now why I just rambled through all that. Must be because it is 1:30am and I am awake. I went to bed about 9, and read/did a couple puzzles on the tablet, and was trying to sleep around 9:30. But about an hour ago I woke and cannot get back to sleep. Maybe realizing how boring my life feels at times will put me back to sleep.

No major plans this week (Again). The weekly email will go out to the Company about my availability a little later this morning (or maybe here shortly). A friend showed me a small battery booster they had purchased at Harbor Freight last week, and I am thinking of going there tomorrow to see if they have them in stock, versus just regular jumper cables. Then maybe off to the store to find some things for lunches this week. Be nice if I could get out to the Discount Grocery we like, AND they were to have the huge bag of shredded lettuce (like 5 lb bag). That would be perfect for eating healthier, however, the last few times we had been out there it was not in. Their stock fluctuates daily.

Today is also the Youngest's 18th birthday. We have asked several times over the past few months what he would like, and always got a 'no answer' type answer. No idea if the Wife has found a couple things he would maybe like. If I find that battery booster pack, that'll be at least a present he can use for the car. He put off the birthday dinner until next weekend, as he would like to see if his brothers would be able to go as well. Middle Son said he could, just needs when/where info ...  Oldest Son has not responded. In fact, he hasn't responded much to my text inquires of late. I am guessing it is because of the work hours/time but who knows. I'm sure RM goes through thoughts like these with us kids as well. I invited the Oldest Son's girlfriend as well, but who knows. I think  I will just tell them a time and location, and if they show, they show. I just hope Youngest isn't disappointed.

Still working out plans for our 33rd Anniversary coming up late March. I've mentioned a few ideas to the Wife, and I think we have settled on one idea. I need to verify with her to confirm, prior to starting to plan the drive, places to stay/visit, etc. More to share when I confirm....

On a good note, I am 49 books into my goal of 200 this year. Right now it says I am at 25% of my goal (though by my math I am one short of that true 25%). Looks like it will be another good year of reading....

Guess I am off to watch an episode of some show or something to see if I can get sleepy.


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