Last week had some momentous occasions in it, that I was so busy with them, I couldn't even post some wordage.
Yer right. I lie. It weren't that bad. Well, some of it anyways. I did have the second root canal done, and that one gave the name 'root canal' it's bad reputation. Leastways, the pain I felt, and what the dentist sayed, it's true. T'weren't pleasant like a stroll along the lake!!
So we moved on into the weekend, and the last construction of what I thought was a tooth started yelling. I been sucking Ibuprofen like a drug addict since. No, not yer normal dose of 2 every four hours - let's talk like 4 every 2. Sis offered Vicadin if I needed, but I was like, ... no. Best if I don't do that.
I finally broke down tonight and used some Jack to help. And it is only Tuesday. My appt ain't til Thursday. Guess I got enough tim e for the Jack to wear off til I see him. Good thing - Bad thing. I dunno. Prolly better in the long run.
My daughter turned 18 this past Monday. Kinna makes ya feel weird when your oldest one actually hits that age. She is a senior, and doesn't graduate til June-ish. She had Homecoming this past weekend and I'll post a pic of her at the end of this drivel.Okay, I guess we are at the end of my drivel, at least my mind and everyone else in my head says we is. Here is a pic of my daughter for homecoming....
And you pervs - don't even. I know too many good people with guns.
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