Thursday, October 8

Sometimes it is just a blank look and ....


Yeah, that's it. with a total blank look, and a half open mouth. Why? I just can't figure out what the heck is going on. It's been one of those days, though I should have seen it coming all week.

Thursday, started out wonderful. By noon I was thinking it was going to be a good day. I headed out to the pub in the early afternoon to meet up with a couple buds, and Buds, for a nice round or two of video golf. Was out having a good time - when the phone call came.

Actually, it was a text. About 5:40'ish, I get this text from the daughter - something along the lines of: Boyfriend is coming to concert tonight, and asks if I can go to dinner afterwards.

(pondering look on my face) Concert? Tonight? Huh? Dinner with B boyfriend? It's Thursday....

I text back a quick "Call me", thinking that would be easier to get the answers I need about what is going on... teach me to think.

About that time in the process, the phone rings and it is The Wife. She is calling me to talk about the same thing. As we are talking (barely past the "Hi" and "What's up?") the phone is beeping for the other line. I miss it of course, and it was the daughter. I sigh in exasperation (because already this has confused the hell outta me) and call the Wife. She explains, rather patiently I might add, that the daughter has a Vocal Ensemble concert tonight (which no one had informed me of) and the whole boyfriend/dinner thing.

Fine. We worked out that yes it was fine - be home by 10 as it is a school night. Oh, but wait! There's more for this prize winner!!

Backing up to Tuesday, the oldest son became sick - fever over 100, coughing, other flu-like stuff. He misses 3 days of school this week (including today). Now on the phone, the Wife tells me the next oldest son has over 100 temp, and feels sick. Older better, next sick, and one in the wings just waiting I know. Now the Wife can't afford to be sick with Flu-like stuff in her line of work. They make them stay home mandatory 7 days (she works with geriatrics).

Damn, sometimes I am a good husband. I said okay, I would stay home with the sick boy, and any others wanting to NOT go to the concert. What time does daughter need to be there? In 20 minutes - and I am 10 minutes from home yet.

Sometimes it is good there is a police station on the way home from where I was. Because it seems the police are never in that area to pull anyone over. I made it home in REALLY good time.

The evening goes on, Wife comes home. Pizza had been ordered and we kicked back watching "Return of the King". Daughter due home at 10pm. At 9:58'ish, the Wife says, " I just got a text message from the daughter."

Huh? She is due home like in 2 minutes... Turns out, they supposedly were caught in traffic and were running late. Okay, sounds legit. I call her back and ask just where are they? Ten minutes from home... and she is just now calling to say oh, they were late.

Needless to say, she was later than 10, 15, or even 20 minutes following the call. Yeah. Traffic my ass. And she knew we were not happy about the whole thing. As soon as she came in it was tears and crying. We three sat down and as parents explained why we had guidelines, and how she is not following them. Next came what should we do to enforce them... blah blah blah.

Sentencing is held off until Saturday to allow the Wife and I to determine proper procedure.

So, if you are out in the early evening (Arizona time that is) and from the West (or East if yer in Cali) you hear a distance scream of rage and pent-up frustration.... That's me!

Children - don't know why I have them, except it was so much fun making 'em.


Edit: And Uncle Mike, for some reason, I was trying to be a bit vague rather than point fingers at ya, but I guess Reverend Mother would have figured it out anyhows. From now on, you'll get name mention!! You're a great mentor!!

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