Monday, October 26

Back Around to Monday

It's actually nice this Monday. To be able to feel like slowing down a little bit from the activity over the weekend. For the most part, things went well.

Saturday the daughter had the marching band invitational. I don't know what they scored...considering she did not make it home until after her curfew we had set. Yeah. A big, bad mistake. This is the second time she has pulled that shit, and frankly, I am fed up about it. She has just decided in the past 2 months that being 18 means she 'doesn't have to follow house rules' and that because she is going to college, she can do as she pleases now, as she will when she is there.

We decided that she needs to learn a few things more before we release her to the world. First being, what Daddy says, he means, and that's the rules.

Needless to say, we have ruined her life now and she informs us she is a "failure" because of it all. I smile and just say "I love you". Mainly, because if I say anything else, I'll lose my temper - and no one wants that. I try to think to myself that in 10 or maybe 15 years, she'll be more appreciative to the things we allowed/didn't allow her to do at this stage of her life. She'll see the "WHY" behind the parenting. We're not asking for thanks.... just for he hope that the children she has grow up to be just like her at this age. PLEASE!!!!

Had a nice time at the Sis's yesterday. We celebrated the Stuman's bday and that of his middle child and wife. I threw in the presents for his daughter too, as it looks like we may not make the party in a couple weeks or so.

I feel like I have put on some poundage this weekend. The food that has been placed before me has been terrific. The Wife made Pork roast, mashed potatoes, and corn on Friday night. It was so juicy and tender... I had to have seconds. And Sunday at Sis's we had meatloaf, turkey, cornbread, mac & cheese, some kind of apple dish, plus crackers with salami and chips, salsa, etc. Oh man. I ate another 2 plates there, and then one of my boys didn't finish half of theirs, so that went to daddy too. Too much good Food!!!

Got nothing exciting planned this week. Halloween is Saturday. No clue what we are doing yet. See ya laters.


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