Wednesday, April 14

I am done

I am done for now. I can't win. I can't obviously do what the right thing is - because I have no clue what it is. Now I have the daughter pissed at me, and the Wife.

I don't know what to do and I am just tired of it all. Like there isn't enough other bullshit going on in life, now add this too. Wondering if maybe I am starting to be a modern day Job.

BE back in a few days....



Maeve said...


Reverend Mother said...

It's difficult right now, son, but as Grandma Hanky always said "well, this too shall pass". It is not easy being a parent these days - especially of teenagers of any age. I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm praying for you ... and the daughter... and the wife... and the boys..... I love you. Mom

Anonymous said...

I sympathise with you friend.

I got a lazy wife and a lazier daughter. Neither would get off their asses if the house was on fire.

Besides that I got 5- female cats who demand I feed them on the hour.