Tuesday, April 27

No April Rain means no May Flowers???

I'm dried up pretty much today. Dried up on sleep, my eyes are dry and itchy, and the only thing wet around here is my nose because it just wants to run all day long. Damn allergies. You'd thought rain here in AZ would make it worse (it does) but we haven't had any for awhile now. Doesn't stop my allergies though. Got enough earlier on this year to just ruin spring for me.

April is rounding down, and May feels like it is going to be a busy month, but when I put it on paper, looks like nothing. Have a play for my niece I need to attend. Daughter's graduation on the 25th. Daddy and the boys time as Daughter and Wife are gone on orientation 27-28 - that's gonna be interesting. The Wife will need the van for that trip.... I won't have anyway of going anywhere with the boys. Guess we'll have lotsa Pizza Hut.

I am still working my way through AZ's prop 100, and not liking it more and more. Who the hell wants an increase in sales tax (on top of the food tax we just put in place) that can increase at gov'ts whim, and not by vote?? Hell, who would want this as an amendment to our state constitution? It's a fucking mess. But the proceeds are for Education, and Public Safety.... Education, yeah we need more funding. Safety? When a friend of mine the other night saw FIVE (yes 5) police cars to pull over/handle ONE (yes 1) blue haired female - what am I paying the ones working now for? And he said each police car had the standard 2 cops in it (evening time).
TEN officers to handle the pulling over, assistance with ONE blue hair? I don't get it.

I am going back to bed for a few more ZZZ's before I need to take the daughter to school.


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