Monday, December 22

I'm Not Ready For Work (again)

I got some resting in this weekend, in the sense that I was "working hard". After being sick, taking it a bit easy was nice. I was plenty tired Saturday night, as the Wife and I had pretty much finished up all her shopping for Christmas. It was a bit more walking than I had planned on, but I slept good that night. The Boys had gone over to RM's to do some baking  and making of Christmas treats, as she likes to do that each year with each of our families. About the time we finished the shopping, they were ready to be picked up, so timing worked out well.

Which reminds me I need to get to RM's next weekend to clear out some adware she has somehow gotten on her computer, and transfer some pics, etc from another system she is giving to someone. So, RM, if you read this, make a note to remind me as I will probably forget. Besides, you need to let me know what time is good for you.

So feeling rested. No signs of my stomach bug going around the family, but a new one has cropped up. The Wife has been sniffling and the middle son as well. She had a light-grade fever yesterday, but as of this morning, fever was gone so she can go to work. The middle son has a fever now. I am hoping they shirk it all pretty quick and not pass it around. No one likes to be sick on holidays.

I only get Christmas day off this week, but just due to the holiday, I am sure most of the days will be light duty work for me. Many people gone, or have relatives in town, etc, don't schedule servicing of the appliances as a rule, unless it is a major one they need. Plus, some of the techs are on vacation. I know the one I drive the furthest west for (a good hour drive total there and back into town) is off this week. That'll shorten my drive time, but have to readjust for the other guys to allow them time to get home now. Tonight will be regular, as I have to pick up his paperwork from the weekend.

Guess that is about all I got for now.


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