Monday, December 1

Cue the Christmas Music

I'm not one to get all "into" celebrating a holiday, but I do want everyone else, consumer/company/radio station/whatever, to respect the holiday. Every year, we start hearing of Christmas sales, or music, or people setting up their decorations - earlier and earlier. Drives me nuts! Aside from having to see some decorated yards, and one of the local stations playing solid 24 hours/day music since about the beginning of November, everyone is now able to proceed to the Christmas holiday. Thanksgiving has passed, and today is December 1st - have at it!

My back has pretty much recovered from whatever muscle strain I did to it last weekend. Luckily a light week in lifting things for work helped give more time to heal up. As of this morning, there is still a twinge, but I think that is more from maybe sleeping in weird position or something. Yeah, I am still working the morning kinks out.

The Wife made my coveted turkey enchiladas last night, and we still have several containers of leftovers in the fridge. Plus I had swung by RM's on Friday for the giblet gravy, some stuffing, and ended up with some home made biscuits and gravy (which the gravy was frickin' awesome!) and some cranapple cobbler (or something). Don't know if we will manage to get through all the leftovers before they go bad, but it looks like the Wife won't have to cook for quite at least a week.

I meant to try to get out this weekend to do some shopping. The Wife has her birthday a week from today, plus there are presents to look for for her and the kids. I pretty much have ideas of what I want to buy, and it is just a matter of getting out to do it. I blew off this weekend, thinking that it is probably going to be the busiest with Black Friday deals lasting all weekend. Guess I will HAVE to go by next Saturday. Most evenings I am too tired to deal with shopping and crowds. Wait, that's all the time.


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